OPINION – Last week, Donald J. Trump was declared the President-elect, completing perhaps the greatest political comeback in history.
His victory was like David versus Goliath—on steroids. Virtually every power structure and system was stacked against him. Beyond the wicked, ruthless, and dominating Democratic machine were the GOP political establishment, the deep state permanent bureaucracy, the globalist cabal, big corporate media, big tech, entertainment, the cartels, academia, the military-industrial complex, the medical-industrial complex, the dark money NGOs, terrorist organizations, a host of billionaire sociopaths, and the who’s who of evil villains across the world.
In reality, Trump’s triumph was the Red Sea moment that so many of us have prayed to manifest for four long, difficult years.
During the tumultuous times after the rigged 2020 election, I prayed and believed that God would, in fact, deliver us from this evil.
Like many, I believed that God would expose the election fraud, and the J6 false flag insurrection, and that some judge, and/or the Supreme Court would have the courage and goodness to hear the overwhelming evidence and make things right. The fraud of both was, indeed, exposed with clear evidence that a fourth-grader could figure out. But, instead of those appointed and pledged to uphold justice and our Constitution doing the right thing, they inappropriately ruled plaintiffs had no standing or outright violated all sense, reason, and ethics to dismiss or rule against cases.
It seemed that instead of delivering a Red Sea moment, God chose to reveal how corrupt and compromised our judicial, political, and election systems really are. He also chose to make it crystal clear that Washington DC is rotten to the core as well as allow us to experience the decimation and destruction that comes with having a wholly evil, anti-American, authoritarian regime in control.
Four hard years later, with our nation in steep decline and the majority of citizens suffering, the more fully awakened and focused populous showed up en masse in the hope of voting their way out of the mess and returning power to the people. Even so, a growing majority knew full well that it would require a magnitude so great that the vote totals could make it “too big to rig.”
Algorithms, lack of voter ID, vast volumes of mail-in ballots with no chain of custody, tens of millions of illegals registered to vote, and corrupt election officials created a seemingly impossible hurdle.
But, with our prayer and participation, and God’s hand on our nation, four years later, we have crossed over with President Trump’s amazing victory! While the corrupt bean counters still continue to count, the landslide margin includes 315 electoral votes and at least 5 million more in the popular vote.
Although years later than anticipated, God delivered that Red Sea moment!
Now, it is on us to stay engaged and follow through. The battle of good versus evil will continue. Goliath is not dead and will continue to fight. The peace we feel at the moment is likely the calm before the storm.
We cannot get complacent or distracted. Do not let your guard down. Stay active and awake to all the deceptions, lies, and weapons of the enemy. Speak up and speak out. Pray without ceasing. Seek and stand on the truth—and do not apologize or capitulate. Remain faithful and stay in the fight.
We have a narrow window to take this nation back. There is no place for complaining and unbelief. We cannot cross over the Red Sea only to wander around in the wilderness for 40 years. The figurative land of “milk and honey” awaits if we stay thankful and faithful.
This is not to say we don’t need President Trump and his administration to passionately press forward to deliver on their promises. In fact, we need them to move with speed and aggression. They need to put normal politics aside, which is a ruse to derail and delay anyway, and strike a take-no-prisoners posture. Pedal to the metal.
There is no time or place for the Judas Pence’s of the world. This is not a time to reach across the aisle or unify with those who have evil and deception in their hearts. Those who are on board with returning the power to the people and taking down the corrupt and criminal system that captured us, already reached across the aisle during the election—and fought with us to prevail. Elon Musk, RFK Jr., Nicole Shanahan, and Tulsi Gabbard are a few high-profile examples who have been welcomed with open arms to join the movement.
Trump must surround himself with America First Patriots who are loyal to the agenda and platform—not wolves in sheep’s clothing working to undermine and subvert success while doing the bidding of globalists, K Street donors, Democrats, and Satan himself.
The electorate has given President Trump a mandate. The House Speaker and Senate Leader must be aligned—and there is no tolerance for a repeat of the Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell-type sabotage and slow walking that we saw in Trump’s first term.
The Trump Administration needs to clean house in the permanent administrative state or bureaucracy, which has served as the foundation for the Deep State and their globalist masters. Ignore the Pravda media. This is not about installing Trump loyalists. It’s about installing American people loyalists who will eradicate the government malfeasance and malevolence—and do what is in the best interests of We the People.
Trump is not a threat to democracy as the mockingbird media has falsely fear mongered the public. He is, instead, a threat to bureaucracy.
At the top of the list for reform are a few three-letter agencies, but quickly thereafter, sights need to turn towards the Pentagon. The past decade has revealed that our military appears to be in sad shape, being run by a bunch of narcissistic, irrational fruit loops. That presents a clear danger to all of us.
This does not mean that most within the rank and file are not good or even great, or that there aren’t good people in high ranking positions, but in the ultimate top down command structure—who’s at the top trumps everything. Unless, of course, if Trump is the Commander-in-Chief—which somehow led the generals to believe that disobedience was no longer treason.
This is a time of action. Faith without works is dead. After teetering on the edge of the steep cliff above the dark valley of communism, we must not take anything for granted.
Against seemingly impossible odds and circumstances, God has figuratively parted the Red Sea, again. It is critically important to recognize, though, that He did it with our participation and faith.
In this case, the Promised Land represents taking back and restoring our nation—and perhaps aspiring to achieve the Divine vision that birthed it.
Now, as much as ever, we must keep our eyes on Him and stay the course to reach our destiny. No matter how fierce the battles ahead, we must stay in the fight with God before us and beside us.
The failed assassination attempt by inches in July served to reinforce what many already believed—President Trump is God’s chosen vessel for a time such as this. Despite unrelenting and unprecedented warfare against him, God gave him a second term to fulfill an amazing assignment—if our hearts are right and we unite around him.
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