Fulfillment Comes with a Spoken Word

Jesus knows our hearts, and the longing that HE has placed there to be fulfilled.

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Are you feeling unfulfilled? If the answer is yes, position yourself to let the Words of God be life-giving to you.  He says, “Let my words be a life-giving fountain.” (Proverbs 10: 11)  

When that “Longing is fulfilled it is sweet to the soul.” (Proverbs 13: 19a)   Here’s HOW sweet it will fulfill you: “A longing fulfilled IS a tree of life.” (Proverbs 13: 12b)

Being fulfilled is what every human being desires and longs for! Jesus even encountered “fulfillment” as a young infant.


Jesus was being brought to the temple, “to fulfill the requirement of the Law, ” to be set-apart and dedicated to God.  His parents, Mary and Joseph, were required to bring Him, to position and present Him. Prophetically, He was fulfilling what had been declared.

Awaiting this baby to be presented was an elderly man named Simeon, a devout man of God, who believed in the imminent appearing of the One called “The Refreshing of Israel” also known as, “The Encourager of Israel.” Well, Jesus was the One.

The Holy Spirit had revealed to Simeon that he would not see death before he saw the Messiah, the Anointed One of God.


Simeon’s name means “He who hears.” He heard correctly when to be in the temple court at the very moment Jesus’ parents entered to “fulfill the requirement of sacrifice.”

Sometimes our set times, are set-ups from God. He knows where and how to position us. All we have to be is “willing.”

The Law required “Every firstborn male to be a set-apart one for God. And to offer a prescribed sacrifice, either a pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons.” (Luke 2: 24)  These were an acceptable sacrifice, from folks who were poor, in place of the lamb, that would be normally brought.  They hadn’t received the gifts from the wise men yet.  Their financial status, at this time, remained as poor.  

Jesus, on the cross, who would one day BE the sacrifice, is the fulfillment of the Law!  

This baby, Jesus, was now cradled in the arms of Simeon as he prophesied, “Lord and Master, I am your loving servant, and now I can die content, for your promise to me has been fulfilled. With my own eyes I have seen your Manifestation, the Savior you sent into the world. He will BE glory for your people Israel, and the Revelation Light for all people everywhere.” (Luke 2: 29-32)


As Simeon is holding up Jesus, cradled in his arms, his words are speaking into the life of Jesus and into the life of Mary and Joseph, his parents. He spoke also of “A painful sword will one day pierce your inner being, for your child will be rejected by many in Israel.” (Luke 2: 34)

The prophecy continues to speak of His death and resurrection but finishes declaring this: “All of this will expose to all the innermost thoughts of your hearts before God.” (Luke 2: 35)

Jesus knows our hearts, and the longing that HE has placed there to be fulfilled. He truly is the one that fulfills. The Law, or keeping any rule, will not fulfill us. That’s why we should always have an open heart before Him. He knows our thoughts and hearts anyways. They have been exposed BY His death and resurrection, as Simeon declared. No more hiding, we can’t!  No need to hide anymore.  

While the Lord is being prayed over, by Simeon, Anna, a prophetess, is in the temple serving the Lord praying and worshiping God for the past 84 years–day and night! That’s a lifetime!

As Simeon is speaking, “Anna walks up to them and burst forth with a great chorus of praise to God for the child.” (Luke 2: 38)

When you spend that much time in the presence of the Lord, worshiping, what else would come out of your mouth, BUT praise?

These two, man and woman of God, were being a life-giving fountain to the Lord. The beautiful thing about it is–He welcomed and received it!

Anna then becomes an evangelist telling everyone that the awaited Messiah has come.  The Law had been made complete. Jesus was born, presented and dedicated. He completes us!

I see, in this story, how important the spoken word is! A man and woman were given permission, by God, to speak forth the destiny of Jesus. The Lord honors the words and prayers of men and women.  In His grace, God allowed both to be part of the completing process.

The God of Heaven empowers and authorizes mankind to produce what ONLY God can build! Can I hear a hallelujah?

Let His Words be the life-giving fountain of being made complete IN HIM.





You can find all of the Unbroken Love series posts by clicking the button below.


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About the Author

Mary Beth Pecora, a faithful wife, mother, grandmother, friend, worshiper and servant leader, who loves life and loves people. More importantly, she passionately loves God and the fullness of who He is! For twenty-three years she has served in leadership positions within the ministry of Aglow International. Currently, she and her husband serve at The Secret Place--A Psalm 91 Ministry. It's a place for individual folks to come, be exhorted and prayed for, while being ushered to ministry stations within the room. They continue to serve monthly in the Prayer Room at their home church that they have been a part of for almost forty years. In April of 2022 they both received their Ministry License and were Ordained in May of 2023. She delights in encouraging folks of all ages within various walks of life. Her love of writing is now her passion, which led her to publish two books, "Restoration Explosion In The New Year," and "Navigating The Mysteries Of God." Above all that’s been accomplished and concluded, the BEST thing to her is knowing her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is her everything—her very best friend. Visit: Mybelovedsvoice.com

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