I was recently privy to some firsthand confirmation of several well-known church leaders and platform ministers that have been compromised and living a double life. I knew the Lord allowed me to receive the information in order to help prepare believers for what’s to come. Knowing that people would immediately press for names, the Lord emphatically said, “You’re not ready for names.” Our propensity to emotional reactions needs to be submitted to Christ and sanctified by His Spirit if we are to have redemptive responses. In this video, I share five specific ways that you can prepare mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for some of the fallout to come. Though it may be bumpy, it is all a necessary pruning.
I also share a recent prophetic dream I had that highlights the need for believers to hold our shepherds to higher accountability. We have allowed dysfunction to go on for too long, hoping God might overlook it in favor of promoting manifestations and gifts. But the gig is up. Judgment is coming to the House of God. Broken and compromised leaders must be held to account for the sake of His holiness. Ministries must take a back seat to Kingdom priorities and the well-being of the entire Body. Righteousness must be heralded as a foundational truth and not an optional sidebar.
We are being given the opportunity to right some wrongs and rebuild the ancient foundations that have been broken. Let’s steward this opportunity well and reflect the wisdom of heaven that brings life, hope, and transformation to that which is dead. It’s not only the hirelings that are going to be exposed but our responses to this as the Body of Christ are also being weighed in the balance.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Wanda Alger
Featured Image by Александр Пургин from Pixabay
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