Expect the Unexpected, Discover the Unknown

This is not about building a ‘Ministry’ — but it is about being willing to ‘take it to the streets’.

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This is time to stay seated in The Secret Place, in order to guard your affections — and be delivered from the enemy’s assignment to steal your vision with disappointments.

“I AM coming to shake and break My People loose from the spirit of complacency.”

This is the moment of truth that will fill hearts with a knowing that God wants a room in their heart reserved just for HIM, as He wants to abide in them, and reveal Truth that passes understanding to them.

“This is the TIME for your expectations that died, your hope that became hopeless to breathe a breath of life again,” says The One Who is Life!

“Do you really know what time it is?

This is your time to be awakened to the realization that I AM now in these end-times, leading you in many unexpected ways and preparing you to be sent to places that shall startle your mindset when your vision is expanded to expect increase and know that you know I AM supplying every thing you have need of quickly.

You are on a new route of discovery of Truth as never before.

You are now experiencing a major warfare that has been crafted to knock your legs out from under you so that you are completely out of balance,” says the one who is ‘balancing the scales of Justice’.

“The enemy has placed familiar road signs in your path to confuse your direction and keep you on a path you have traveled many times.

But I AM placing your feet on a path you will remember as a path to Confrontation.

It is time to confront the lies of the enemy and let The Truth lead the way.

The enemy loves to keep you stuck in what you perceive as your ‘comfort zone’ — but on a new path.

You shall take the High Road of Praise, to break through the consternation and conflicts the enemy has planned,” says The LORD of all.

“As you praise your way past the confrontation designed to send you encounters with familiar spirits, I will fill your heart with a new song.

It shall be a toe-tapping rhythm that will set your feet a dancing and your heart to singing anthems to my life-giving ways.

I AM challenging My Flock — yes, even My Church crowd — in this hour to no more excuses, no more spiritual adultery, no more compromise, and no more half-truths.

I AM a God of Mercy and Grace — but I do not tolerate excuses and justification from a heart that must repent.

Nothing can separate me from my love for you — but I AM giving Grace and space in these moments for repentance and a contrite heart.

So having a contrite heart means recognizing our sinfulness and brokenness. It means being humble and teachable.

Just as David sinned right in front of My Eyes, so it is today with an adulterous generation.

It is My delight for My Flock to desire truth deep in their inward parts.

Come unto Me,” says The LORD, “that I may reveal the hidden places of your heart and purify and cleanse you by My Blood.

I speak to you with Lovingkindness. There is no one without a blind spot. All have displayed a spirit of hypocrisy from time to time, but I so desire for My Love to be the restraining factor that destroys deception and lays the ax to the root of pretentiousness.

May your spirit be filled afresh with truth with no compromise. This is a time for willing hearts to embrace fully the fear of The LORD and bow down singing, ‘Holy! Holy! Holy.’

I Declare that Gentleness shall embrace Boldness and Boldness shall be fully dressed in Humility.

I say to My Chosen Warriors, take hold of the Sword of the Spirit and allow it to penetrate deeply dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, judging the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

I AM pulling out the stops. The unknown shall be made known as the hidden works of darkness are now coming to light.

It is Discovery, Destiny, and Design time. My people shall discover many things in their lives that they did not understand were designed to equip and prepare them for their Destiny.

This is the time to come unto Me and worship me — in Spirit and in Truth.

Now is the time to embrace your eternal Destiny with your whole heart without question.

Just as prophesied, this is the time when True Worshipers will worship Me. Yes this is the time to embrace The Truth and Worship in Spirit and in Truth,” says The One Who is Truth.

“Restoration of what has been stolen beginning to happen. The scripture shall be fulfilled that the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the Righteous.

Yes, this is an appointed time that your ship shall come in at a moment when so many have almost given up all hope.

But I AM always on time. This is one of many unexpected answered prayers that shall spark revival all across the land.

I AM The Timekeeper and I AM a Promise Keeper.

I am breathing a fresh breath of air into those who are not in a Church setting and have been burnt out with Church programs that operate like social clubs that you join.

I AM calling My Chosen to take Hope to the streets in this lost and dying world.

I AM sending Truth to those hungry hearts who have been deceived, discouraged, and have given up on “Church” and religious programs.

This is not about building a ‘Ministry’ — but it is about being willing to ‘take it to the streets’.

It is about sharing My Love,” says The LORD.

“It is the Now Time to let others taste and see that I AM a good, good Father.

So I adjure you to take ACTION and ACTIVATE your PROMISES.

Begin to speak the TRUTH! SPEAK the WORD.


Start now and take ACTION to NULLIFY your NEGATIVE WORDS and SPEAK LIFE.”

Let the anointing penetrate your heart as Terry MacAlmon sings “THIS IS THE TIME”

“For thus says the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones” Isaiah 57:15 NKJV

“For all those things My hand has made, and all those things exist,’ says The LORD. ‘But on this one will I look: on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at [reverences] My word’” Isaiah 66:2 NKJV


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Heart Matters

Featured Image by Mariya Muschard from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

As a prophetic voice, intercessor, author, teacher, chaplain and former online pastor with Beyond the Veil Ministries, Sandra Holman has journeyed around the world—first, as an End time Handmaiden under Gwen Shaw and later serving as a missionary with Youth with a Mission in Singapore and NC. This journey brought her full circle to serve as an advisor with Oak Ridge Lighthouse Aglow and intercessor for the TN State Aglow President. It is her joy to share some of those experiences with you

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