In my dream, I realized I was Batman standing with the Justice League. We were all waiting in line to enlist in a great battle for Kingdom purposes in the United States. As I stood in line, I realized that a counterpart/ hero from the ‘marvel’ universe stood next to each of the Justice League members.
I realized that at any time I was able to access their abilities, and they could access ours. It was the joining of two great worlds for the ultimate purpose of conquering evil in the United States.
I saw an evil gang of men who were bent on destroying the ‘line-up’ of the ‘Nationals’. They began to fire ‘silver bullets’ that moved at a rate of speed far greater than normal bullets, and they had supernatural power.
Suddenly, I saw Wonder Woman, Vision, Captain Marvel, and Superman all working in tandem, and with their combined skills, no ‘silver bullet’ had any ability to remove this team called ‘The Nationals’.
The evil gang realized they needed to retreat because the Nationals were about to be activated against them. So in the dream, I returned back to the line in order to receive my marching orders.
As I came to the front of the line I reached a desk with two seated angels with a file and pen. They opened the file to show me what my Kingdom assignment was on this ‘Nationals’ team. I looked down and saw a dragon devouring little children. I spoke up and said, “All the power of heaven is given this day, to defeat abortion, human child trafficking, and the immoral devouring of our children” – I went to sign my name next to my assignment and saw another name who had been given this assignment as well: Jonathan Tremaine Thomas (A friend of mine)
Lastly, I looked out across the line that had formed to enlist in the Kingdom assignments for America, seeing many white, black, Asian, and Hispanic members, and I said “GOD HIMSELF IS ABOUT TO UNLEASH HIS TEAM: THE NATIONALS”. — Dream end.
I woke up considering the combination between the Marvel Team and the Justice League and felt that God is about to release his ‘Avengers’ to bring forth Justice on the Earth. The Nationals are about to break the power of Hell’s grip on America, and restore the prophetic destiny upon this nation!
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Andrew Whalen
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