Do I Even Dare?

It can be so easy to give up on our dreams.

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All those dreams. Wishes. Longings of the heart.

At times it can seem like they will never happen. Never come to pass. It can be so easy to give up on them. Quit. Abandon what our heart truly desires.

But then…in a way….we abandon who God has created us to be.

There are moments in time when I feel weak, doubtful, and lost. And I wonder….do I even dare to hope? Dare to risk?

What if I fail? What if it all turns out horribly? What if everyone tells me, “I told you so?”

But sometimes you just have to go for it anyway. Dare to dream the impossible dream. Hope despite the odds.  For it makes you feel alive. Inspired. Motivated. Whole.

So, yes. The answer is yes. Dare! Dare again! Dare to try. Dare to wish.

Dare to dream.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Beauty in the Storm

Featured Image by Jacquelynne Kosmicki from Pixabay

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About the Author

Freelance writer/blogger at Dionna is Director of Communications for National Marriage Week, and the Marriage Initiative. She is a proud wife, mom, grandma, and most of all - child of God.

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