For those who plan to vote, the coming election has deeper issues at stake than the character or background of either candidate. Both candidates are flawed in some way. Their followers highlight the flaws of the opposing candidate and align themselves with their preferred news source which enhances those flaws.
This election must be examined from a spiritual point of view. Laboring over social issues will always be a back-and-forth contest, each side supported by enough evidence to support their opinion. There are far deeper issues at stake than social issues. Our vote must be cast spiritually.
The unrestricted industry of abortion, offering sex change to young and moldable children, and applauding sexual confusion are sins. They are not social issues. To align with such a platform indicates the level of spiritual confusion that has infiltrated the Church.
This election is about two different worldviews. It is bigger than the personalities of either candidate or our interpretation of their integrity. It will reveal the condition of our spiritual lives as followers of Jesus.
We are casting our vote for flawed candidates. None of those whom God used throughout history to lead a nation had a perfect personal track record. They followed God as imperfect leaders laboring under the weight of their imperfections but still made choices that honored God choosing between what was right and what was wrong.
God’s Kingdom will continue to advance no matter the results of the upcoming vote. Who we vote for is not what ultimately advances God’s Kingdom, but it does provide clarity for unbelievers about the content of our spiritual values.
We will vote for what makes our nation great if we vote for what aligns with God’s word, not the result of polls or something we have been told to believe as fact but is not. This election is greater than the brutal and public portrayal of either candidate’s flaws. It has deep spiritual issues at stake that if not followed will create a national legacy of disgrace, not greatness.
“Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Garris Elkins
Featured Image by Parker Johnson on Unsplash
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