Deciding With Confidence: Finding Your Path in Life’s Big Decisions

I worried incessantly about making the wrong choice, haunted by the “what ifs” and the potential for regret.

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Navigating life’s big decisions can often leave us feeling anxious or uncertain. From choosing a life partner to deciding on a career path, these choices shape our future. I want to share how I overcame the paralyzing fear of making decisions, starting with one of the biggest choices I ever faced: deciding whether to marry my now-husband, Carl.


The Journey to Decision

When Carl and I first met, it was clear we shared something special. We connected deeply, sharing similar pasts and career paths, and soon found ourselves discussing marriage. Despite the excitement, as the reality of such a commitment approached, I was overwhelmed by fear. Was Carl truly “the one”?

This fear wasn’t just about marrying Carl; it extended to many areas of my life. Past decisions, whether about my career or where to live, had always been fraught with anxiety. I worried incessantly about making the wrong choice, haunted by the “what ifs” and the potential for regret.


The Turning Point

During this time of indecision, I was bombarded with advice from all sides. Friends, family, and even acquaintances weighed in, each with their own perspective on what I should do. This only added to my stress, making me feel like I was losing control over my own life decisions.

However, everything changed during a conversation with a close friend. As I agonized over my decision yet again, she offered a perspective that was both simple and revolutionary: “Stephanie, you get to decide.” These words struck me profoundly. Suddenly, I realized that I had the power to choose my own path based on what truly mattered to me, not on the expectations or opinions of others.


Applying This Lesson Beyond Marriage

This epiphany didn’t just help me with my decision to marry Carl—it transformed how I approached all my decisions. It reminded me that life isn’t about finding the one right answer but about making choices that align with who we are and who we want to be. Each decision is an opportunity to shape our lives authentically, embracing both the joys and challenges that come with it.


Four Ways to Embrace Decision-Making

  1. Reflect on What Truly Matters: Before making a decision, consider what values and goals are most important to you. What brings you joy and fulfillment? Let these guide your choices.
  2. Seek Wisdom, Not Just Opinions: While it’s valuable to gather input, distinguish between helpful guidance and mere opinion. Seek advice that resonates with your values and life vision.
  3. Trust in Your Ability to Choose: Believe in your capacity to make decisions. You’ve navigated life this far; trust that you can handle the outcomes of your choices.
  4. Embrace the Journey: Understand that each choice is part of a larger journey. Mistakes and successes alike are opportunities for growth and understanding.



Remember, no path is perfect. Every choice comes with its mix of benefits and challenges, and it’s up to you to decide what mix you’re willing to embrace. Whether you’re deciding on a marriage, a career move, or any other significant life change, remember: you get to decide. This empowerment doesn’t just help you make decisions—it enables you to build a life that truly reflects who you are. Embrace this power, and step confidently into the future you choose to create.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Faith Activist

Featured Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Pastor James Costa earned his degree in Theology from the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. After graduation, he dedicated his career to serving as a pastor in Waco, Texas. Pastor James founded Faith Activist during the COVID-19 pandemic when he faced challenges in reaching people due to the lockdowns. He realized the potential of digital media to connect with people and spread the message of the gospel, leading him to create an online platform to help people grow in their faith and engage with other believers.