Conspiracy Theorists versus Conspiracy Realists

With the ever-accelerating aggressiveness of the globalist one-world-order cabal (along with the dramatic rise of independent journalism,) connect-the-dots assertions quickly lose any plausible deniability and often become proven facts.

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OPINION – There is a meme that goes something like this:

Question: What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and fact?

The answer 25 years ago was “two decades.” Over the past few years, the answer became “two years.”

And now in 2024, the answer is more like “two months” or “two weeks” or perhaps even “two days.”

Narratives such as a crazed lone wolf shooter toting a 12-foot ladder and high-powered rifle, stealthily sneaking into a political rally, and evading the Secret Service and state police securing the event, to attempt assassination of the leading Presidential candidate no longer flies with a rapidly growing segment of the population.

With the ever-accelerating aggressiveness of the globalist one-world-order cabal (along with the dramatic rise of independent journalism,) connect-the-dots assertions quickly lose any plausible deniability and often become proven facts.

This phenomenon can be attributed in equal parts to the now in-your-face nature of the cabal’s actions and the discernment, astuteness, and courage of the indie media to sniff things out.

All of this is further enabled by the transparency and immediacy of social media (and particularly the re-institution of freedom of speech by Elon Musk on X), upstart platforms such as SubStack and Rumble, and the overall digital realm.

This re-found freedom is clearly rocking the boat and triggering the chief purveyors of propaganda—namely the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, the RINO wolves, academia, the lawfare specialists, the Taylor Swifts of the world, and all the globalist entities such as WEF, the United Nations, and the WHO.

We are beginning to see the growing avalanche of calls to revoke freedom of speech, to censor “misinformation” that does not align with the globalist narrative, and even to “re-educate” the so-called deplorables who are deemed wrong thinkers.

Just in the past few weeks, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (or AOC as her marketing team has branded her), Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Lurch John Kerry, and virtually all the mainstream media outside of the controlled opposition wing have ardently pleaded for these measures to “save our democracy” and to fully ensure a brainwashed and entirely deceived populace.

Dictator-wannabe Gavin Newsom took it upon himself to ban “deep fake” videos. The term makes it sound virtuous to eradicate sinister attempts to mislead the public, but, of course, the devil is in the details. Who decides what’s fake and what’s real? Satire, parody, and impersonations seem destined to become crimes. Remember, too, that these same self-anointed arbiters of truth deem the Bible as hate speech.

Their end game is to prevent communication of the truth and entrap the populace in a dystopian Truman Show, but even darker, type of false reality. Think 1984 and Animal Farm with even greater animus. Until that dream scenario for them can be achieved, they must discredit and demonize those unwilling to “toe the party line” and who speak the unspeakable truths.

I often wonder what the people of China, Russia, or Germany who warned about what they discerned to be happening were called, or how they were discredited, leading up to their respective communist uprising and takeover.

The term conspiracy theory was not yet invented as it was likely created by an infamous U.S. intelligence agency in the early 1960s as a means to discredit those with discernment, insight, and courage. The term was used for decades to discredit alternative assertions about the JFK assassination.

To help you fully understand how much the term is meant as a full-blown weapon to perpetuate false narratives and shield the truth, I invite you to read the Wikipedia entry for “Conspiracy Theory.” It reads like something right out of a George Orwell novel or the Communism 101 training manual. If the implications were not so serious, it would be downright laughable.

To give you a flavor, here is one short passage from the twisted propaganda piece:

“Psychologists usually attribute belief in conspiracy theories to a number of psychopathological conditions such as paranoia, schizotypy [sic], narcissism, and insecure attachment, or to a form of cognitive bias called “illusory pattern perception.” It has also been linked with the so-called Dark triad personality types, whose common feature is lack of empathy.”

The Cliffs Notes version is: if you have critical thinking skills, you must be an egomaniacal sociopath.

You would think history and the events of the past several years would have almost entirely defused this weaponry by now. Russian collusion, the origin of COVID-19, efficacy of masks, horse paste, climate hysteria, election fraud, J6, etc. Yet, here we are with the leftists still trotting out the old term, accusing the enlightened of wearing modern-day tin foil hats.

I must admit that a social media commenter inspired me to write this post. This particular person accused me of spewing intentional lies and branded me a conspiracy theorist. She is a staunch leftist who seems to fancy herself as more enlightened and loving than you could ever hope to be.

You may be familiar with the type; they have a profile something like this:

She believes with all her heart that the government is all good and all-knowing, always looking out for our absolute best interests—and no government can be big enough. She views the mainstream media as highly educated, amiable professionals who work tirelessly and in the best of faith to inform and enlighten their viewers with the absolute truth. She sees Democrats as great, highly principled humanitarians with impeccable characters and Republicans as self-serving charlatans and purveyors of misinformation. She views our elections, enabled by black boxes that are created and operated by foreign entities with hidden source code and connectivity, to be 100% free and fair.

She is the climate activist who knows beyond a shadow of doubt that climate change is, in fact, an urgent existential threat requiring every radical measure AOC, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Nye the Science Guy can imagine to avoid the impending destruction of our planet—and who may or may not have a poster of Greta hanging on her bedroom wall.

I could go on, but suffice to say, my views are a bit different. And, I have an enormous amount of company as more and more are awakened by the 24 x 7 implausible gaslighting and the obviously intentional undermining of our nation.

According to this commenter and the hive-minded fellow members of their echo chamber, that makes me and the ever-growing segment of like-minded citizens—conspiracy theorists. In fact, you are often not just a conspiracy theorist, but also a “denier” of the worst kind.

For instance, if you happened to notice in 2020 the raft of election laws breached, the clearly broken chains of custody of ballots in various swing states, the connectivity of the black boxes used to cast votes, the tens of millions of ineligible voters padding voter rolls, the many instances where votes cast exceeded registered voters, cars and unmarked vans delivering ballots in the middle of the night after the cut-off, the postal service delivery driver’s testimony that he transported an estimated 2 million completed ballots from New York to Pennsylvania, five swing states stopping vote counting all at the same time on election night, the lack of signature verifications required, votes being removed from Trump’s totals in real-time on TV screens, the thousands and thousands of signed affidavits alleging election fraud, a billionaire social media kingpin spending a half billion dollars to fund highly sketchy election-related practices to influence the election in swing states, the trash bags of Trump ballots found dumped in fields, the suitcases of ballots pulled out from under tables and jammed through tabulators multiple times after most poll workers were sent home, and the impossible spike in Biden vote totals in the dead of night—you are immediately branded as an “election denier.”

You are also discredited as being a “conspiracy theorist”—because, well, you know, “nothing to see here.”

You can show her the smoking gun, the surveillance video, the fingerprints, and a signed confession—you know, like the 2020 election fraud in Fulton County—and she is still going to call you a conspiracy theorist.

As if noticing some or all of the above election anomalies doesn’t lead any rational person to deduce that the election results would seem suspect at a minimum or simply outright rigged.

Doing the math to discern the truth is the equivalent of a breakaway layup, or slam dunk, by Michael Jordan in his prime.

It’s the equivalent of handing the ball to the NFL’s best running back and having every defensive player simultaneously fall down with two broken legs.

Once you begin to view the happenings of the world with a critical eye, you see past the smoke and mirrors designed to hide the truth.

And, the more your speculations are validated, the more you stand tall against being dismissed as a conspiracy theorist.

Indeed, you are not a tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist at all—but instead, you are a conspiracy realist.

Regardless of the scorn, hatred, and ridicule thrown your way, it is actually virtuous and commendable to wear the mantle of being a conspiracy realist. It means that you use discernment, wisdom, and intellect rather than simply believing whatever the government, academia, or mainstream media tells you to believe. It means that you are a free thinker with reason and logic.

Some might describe themselves as a “conspiracy factualist,” which is a bit narrower in scope. Considering the upside-down world in which we live, filled with corruption, deception, and lies, I personally prefer that people always have their antennae up to challenge the narratives and discern the truth—rather than wait for all the necessary receipts to shift the theory to actual fact.

Conspiracies are real, and realists theorize conspiracies. And, the separation between theory and fact is becoming shorter by the day.

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Gary is President and Co-Founder of Kingdom Winds and the Kingdom Winds Collective. He has a heart for creativity and advancing the Kingdom! In his spare time, he can be found enjoying time with his cats, searching for the next Mack and Manco pizza, listening to music, playing or watching sports, learning new things, or multitasking any of the above.

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