Cling to Him

Let His peace wash over you, for it is like no other.

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Look deeply

Pray increasingly

Steadfast He is

Steadfast He will always be

Leave the past for your slate is clean

Posture your heart to repentance and cling to what is good

What is good and Holy

Request wisdom and understanding

For His thoughts are higher

Let your heart not be troubled, for He is good

He is working it together here and now

Let go of the past and stand redeemed

Let go of the good situation that you might be trying to reclaim

Let Him work together, everything for good, now where He has you standing

Stand strong on the mountain top

And open your arms to embrace His love and His freedom

Do not be troubled and do not fear

Hold tight to His heart and rest in His love

Be still; Be still

Hear his voice

Delight in Him for He delights in you

Draw near

Draw near to Him

And He will draw near to you

Take time to become His friend

Let him make His ways known

Exchanging your will for His alone

Take captive the goals and thoughts of your own

Releasing them over to Him

Take captive the attitudes of the heart

Releasing them over to Him

Let him make His ways known

And exchange your will for His own

Cling to Him

Be convicted quickly and receive forgiveness

From season to season

And from storm to storm

Cling to Him

Touch His garment so that you to may be healed

Grow faith and plant seeds

Be deeply rooted in His grace; in His love everlasting.

Open the eyes of your heart to see Him

Open your ears to hear Him

Let His peace wash over you, for it is like no other

It is like no other

For in Him— You are Redeemed



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Bloom and Reed

Featured Image by Mariya  from Pixabay


The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Rose Ward is the founder of Ministry Moms, Mother Bears of Canada, and Bloom & Reed —an online platform that develops and creates content and educational resources for Christian Women in Ministry (Writers, Speakers + Creatives), Youth, and Children.

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