Daniel Pontious

Heavens Alarm Clock

There’s a Serious Wake Up Call happening for the Sons and Daughters of God at this hour.

Fresh Vision

The most powerful Revelation that you can ever truly have from Vision is to be able to see Him just as He really is and to become like Him!

The Foundations are Shaking

Only those things that have been founded upon the Rock will be able to stand up against the Supernatural Shaking.

Sometimes It’s In the Waiting

If you are feeling left behind, out of the loop, or just completely forgotten by the Lord, I encourage you to continue to wait upon Him!

It’s Time to Fly

If you’re feeling like you’re grounded today, God hasn’t abandoned you.

An Increase of the Anointing

If you’re suffering from the effects of bondages from the enemy, get closer to the Holy Spirit so that He can Smear you with the Oil of His Presence!

Brands Plucked Out Of the Fire

These Fire Brands, who were ignited by the fires of hell in the Past, will become Ministering Servants who will burn with a passion for Jesus Christ.

The Fire is Your Friend

Those fires of adversity will burn the bondages off of your life leaving you free from what other people have placed upon you.

Open Windows of Restoration

Angels are being dispatched to remove the illusions, fictions, and lies that have blinded the minds and hearts of both parties.

Making Your Holes Whole

There were no more irregularities in its beating or ability and the holes closed up and vanished.

You are Entering a Kairos Moment

God inserts specific opportunities for each of us to step out of the ordinary existence of the world around us into His Supernatural Timeline.

His Kingdom Is Coming

As Jesus is made King of our lives, His rule in us begins to influence the kingdoms around us.

A New Level of Transparency

When you are joined to the Lord Jesus Christ you become intertwined with His purpose and Destiny in the place of yours.

Show Me Your Face

It’s time to ask the Holy Spirit to show you His Face so that you can be changed by His Grace, His Mercy, and His Presence!

Heavenly Encounters

An Encounter with Holy Spirit lets you see your real condition in the Presence of a Holy and Righteous God.

From a Candle to a Lighthouse

If we are to become what God wants us to become, it will only come from unprecedented levels of self-sacrifice and transparency.

From Your Head to Your Heart

What is in the heart comes from our personal perceptions of the world around us and what we believe to be true about ourselves and others.

The Power of a Praying Mom

Know that there is a Promise from God for your family line, if you’ll only surrender your jurisdiction of them over to Him.

The Master Blacksmith

We become the Blade of His Spirit as His Word sharpens us and hones our abilities for war.

Holy Ground

He called you so that He could Supercharge your life with His!

Where Did My Healing Go?

In the economy of Heaven no sickness, no disease, no infirmity, or any demonically inspired thing is allowed.

A Time For Declaration

Forward movement, with Declaration, after Prayer is often necessary if we are to see God move on our behalf.

The Shaking of All Foundations

Many things you thought were setbacks are becoming catalysts to propel you upward and forward as you surrender them to the Lord.

Many Need a Word of Wisdom

If there was ever a generation that walked this earth that was in desperate need of Wisdom from God it’s this one!


It’s time that we became fully Ablaze burning with the Power of the Holy Spirit serving the Lord.

The Dripping of the Honey

The religious spirit will always want to restrict your access to the Supernatural Revelation that can only come from the Presence of God.

The Search for Agreement

He has come to set you free, but only you can decide to be free or not, no one else can make that decision for you.

God’s Rod

You were destined to be an instrument of His Authority and Power in the earth, by the working of the Holy Spirit within you.

What If God Says No

Wise counsel from those around you who are mature in the Lord, can often prevent you from making critical mistakes.

The Timing of His Word

God isn’t going to let you miss it as long as you stay connected to Him and continue to move in obedience to the sound of His Voice.

The Tears of Lady Liberty

Real identity and real Liberty come when we know Who Jesus Christ is, and when we come to a real understanding of Who we are in Him.

Supernatural and Divine Connections

God is constantly at work within you to bring you to a place of maturity in hearing His Voice and stepping out in what He’s put in your path.

Restoring Personal Identity Theft

The Holy Spirit is going to release revelation knowledge to many of the members of His Body about what they really have been given by God.

Unity of the Spirit

Only One Person is going to cause us as a Body of Christ to unify the way we’re supposed to, and that person is the Holy Spirit!

The Destruction of the Orphan Spirit

It’s the Father’s love and acceptance that’s breaking off chains, bondages, demonic oppressions, and restoring the lives of those in captivity.

The Distilling of The Word

They will come forth with a purity of speech that will bring reconciliation and transformation in the lives of listeners.

Presence or Performance

When you become a performer for others in ministry, it usually causes you to walk away from the Presence of God.

Sharing His Glory

The Glory of Jesus Christ follows His Formation within an individual’s life.

The Making of an Overcomer

He was equipping me with a set of spiritual climbing gear to scale the toughest of those circumstantial mountains.

The Drying Out Season

God knows exactly where you are, as He’s stretching your character and growing you with a Growth that can only come from Him.