We discuss many topics from his book today, including how the Word of God is a weapon and when we use it to attack satan, we win everytime! We tackle other topics such as being Status Chasers vs God Chasers, wilderness times, identity and more.
The key to prayer on our part lies in these three things: thanksgiving, faith in God’s provision, and seeking above all, the Kingdom of God.
In this sermon, Pastor Nathan explores the profound love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Through personal anecdotes and powerful biblical references, he emphasizes the importance of becoming fully devoted followers of Christ by looking up to Him, understanding His grace, and embracing the ultimate love shown on the cross.
Many people get bored with prayer because they’ve learned to pray religiously in unbelief.
Your faithfulness is abundant.
In a time when over 70% of adults struggle with mental health issues, licensed counselor Diane Arnold provides a way to rediscover joy again and offers practical strategies for healing.
The kingdom is brought to us through the whole counsel of God and through the indwelling, power, and presence of the Holy Spirit.
I believe that the first act of 2025 for the Church in the United States is to pray for the nations.
We want to connect with God in the quiet moments of our days, but we’re distracted, restless, and quite possibly even bored.
Through examining passages from Isaiah, Zechariah, and Luke, Pastor Nathan discusses the distinction between worldly peace and the divine peace offered by Christ.
Living Victoriously is a journey of faith. We are victorious because Jesus was victorious. Victory can only be found in HIm. We can’t do it alone.
Pastor Tim urges listeners to ground their hope in Jesus and reflect on the season’s true meaning despite personal challenges and societal pressures.
At first, it was a spiritual blessing given to Adam and Eve in the Garden; then, it was made into a covenant and a command when Christ commissioned His church.
Now we prepare to enter 2025 with hope and trust in our God.
As Holy Spirit leads, specific needs will be highlighted with wisdom and guidance of how precisely to pray.
Remember the Lord’s goodness, His greatness, His power, and His love whenever you pray.
The call to obedience and action is not a burden but a grace-filled invitation to participate in the life of Christ.
Pastor Nathan delivers a passionate sermon centered on the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Book of Daniel, highlighting their uncompromising faith in God despite facing potential death in a fiery furnace.
If you are wondering what to ask for this Christmas, I have a suggestion.
Our savior King has brought us peace and joy!
Generosity is about much more than giving money or our time. It is about reflecting the love and compassion of God’s nature and His character to others.
Put on the full armor of God.
Coming as the latter rain, covering the earth, His mercy extends.
Pastor Nathan draws parallels between Jonah’s story and Jesus’ teachings, highlighting how human desire for power and self-righteousness can obstruct our relationship with God. He encourages listeners to relinquish their false sources of power and truly submit to Jesus for transformation.
God calls His people to live practically, prophetically, with love. He wants us to hear and speak directly to Him without having to go through another person.
Reformers laid down their lives in a bloody spiritual war to get the written Word of God in the hands of everyday people in their own language.
Even if my body wasn’t being physically healed yet in the way I expected, my soul and spirit were being radically healed and transformed.
I have heard your heart cries, and I not only have an appointed time for all things — but I AM always on time.
The sermon concludes with a call to trust in God’s overarching plan and to find strength in His voice during times of uncertainty and challenge.
Intimacy with God is all about closeness and connection. In today’s podcast episode, we discuss obstacles to intimacy with God and then give some practical steps to build intimacy with God.
Nicholas showed the world, really, what it looks like to be an ambassador of the generosity of our King, bringing Heaven to earth.
Pastor Nathan emphasizes the importance of recognizing and combating spiritual warfare, encouraging listeners to seek freedom from strongholds and demonic influences.
Many are in a building season right now and have intense battles all around, which could be due to the squatters we are allowing to be in the midst of what we are building.
MY ARMY IS ARISING! And as My fire continues to fall in power, I am moving you, My people, into unchartered territories in prayer.
You have been prepared to demonstrate the Kingdom.
Pastor Nathan explores the spiritual and prophetic meanings of feasts such as Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.
Our children are not ours to keep; they are souls on loan, entrusted to us by the Creator Himself.
It is a day to be particularly thankful for all the people the Lord has allowed to cross the path of our lives.
God wants us to be active participants in what He is doing on the earth today, not just listeners or observers. We must be faithful stewards and take action based on what we have been given and what God is asking us to do.
I do not believe in stirring up fear BUT I do believe in warning the Body of Christ.
By contrasting human intelligence with divine wisdom, Pastor Nathan demonstrates how Solomon’s life—from his acts of sacrifice to his renowned judgments and eventual repentance—foreshadows true wisdom found in Jesus.
God created us in His image and likeness to have communion with Him, and He invites us to be united with Him.
God wants us to be active participants in what He is doing on the earth today, not just listeners or observers. We must be faithful stewards and take action based on what we have been given and what God is asking us to do.
We pray and God hears. 7 Days of Prayer gives readers a path to walk in this powerful truth.
We must get behind those who are challenging our enemies and fighting for the foundations of our faith.
Start with the Psalms and personalize them over your life and the lives of your loved ones.
He wants to encourage you to continue in your prayer, making room for the possibility of delay.
In this sermon, Pastor Nathan addresses the challenging biblical passage of 2 Samuel 12, exploring the story of King David’s sin with Bathsheba and the subsequent confrontation by the prophet Nathan.
We must be prepared to respond to the call of God at a moment’s notice.
The Prayer Warriors are being called to Armor-up, as we take back the land.
Find your place of focused solitude, whether it’s on a rock in the woods or in a closet in your house.
Expect to see unlikely women rising to prominence as our culture continues to hand our children over to increasing displays of evil.
Let’s be on guard and ready our hearts and minds to stand in faith and remain unmoved in our mission ahead.
The sermon highlights David’s worship, courage, and reliance on God as key virtues that contributed to his anointing and journey towards being a man after God’s heart, contrasting this with Saul’s failure to truly know God.
Our ability to engage with biblical discernment in the civic process rests upon our fervent prayers.
This week’s podcast Episode is FIRE! Jane Hamon’s newest book: “Confronting the Thief: Take Back What the Enemy Stole and Declare Divine Recovery over Your Heart, Family & Life” is a timely, right NOW word from the Lord.
I believe the Lord is urging us to continue to pray, but not with our natural understanding or according to the national news.
Many negatives are false negatives because His ancient enemy is attempting to steal something.
America, I hear the Spirit say, This is the midnight hour when you will come face to face to wrestle for The Blessing and a New Name!
Jairus approaches Jesus with a heart full of fear and hope.
Using Saul’s story, Pastor Nathan addresses the dangers of self-justification and calls on the congregation to recognize and repent from areas of self-deception, highlighting the necessity of genuine obedience and transformation through Christ.
This year, that word was titled Remember, Recover, Restore in 2024. This year has not been what I thought it would be, and this summer was filled with spiritual warfare, BUT GOD!
In this day, where loneliness is at an all-time high, we need to rediscover the power of cheering.
The Apostles experienced their personal transformations by the power of the Holy Spirit in the Secret Place and so can we.
Wash your mind with the Word, the blood of Christ, and speak truth over the lies.
We saw this exposure and the removal of positions begin in the church and it is now moving to governmental leaders.
Pastor Nathan emphasizes that God demands total commitment and will not share space with idols in believers’ lives. He underscores that God’s presence is transformative but also demands surrender, purity, and reverence.
Help me speak in grace, truth, and love.
Note the weak places and speak life and strength into them.
With looming wars, rampant pandemics, and violence in the streets, many people are wondering, Is the end near? Joseph Morris says, “YES! Jesus is coming soon! But it’s wonderful news!
Our Father promised the very land in which you step. We must establish that.
Pastor Douglas emphasizes the significance of lingering in God’s presence, valuing the Holy Spirit, and fostering a friendship with God.
The blood of Jesus is being poured over our land to put out the fires of deception, perversity, destruction, robbery, injustices, and death.
A ripping apart of the veil of deception that wants to smother our nation in its lies will reveal the love of God in remarkable ways.
Are we speaking of the enemies’ plots and plans? OR Are we speaking Heaven’s purpose over our life? As the Bride of Christ, we have to be intentional to align our words with Heaven’s plans.
The sermon underscores the significance of submitting to God’s commands and understanding Jesus Christ as the ultimate image of God’s authority.
He is your fortress and you cannot escape hope when your foundation is God.
You are my strength and portion.
It’s time that we understand who are captor is and what is coming against us so we can walk in freedom and break free from the shackles that bind us in our life or our generational lines.
Pastor Nathan underscores the importance of encountering God personally to truly understand and live in obedience, calling for a transformative change in the church’s approach to authority and faith.
Your tears that have come in the deep places of obedience have carved out a pathway for My glory.
God wants His bride to be a community unified, walking in humility as we each steward what He has given us.
Pastor Jerry passionately discusses the power of faith, urging the congregation to wholly commit to God, embrace change, and become proactive believers.
Cultivate an ear that listens to His still small voice.
We need to take a look at our motivation when we come to the Lord in prayer.
We encourage and challenge you to take a look at your personal arsenal and see where you are strong and where you are weak so you can work on strengthening yourself.