Miracles — how exciting!
Peace – how essential!
Jesus exponentially multiplied the bread and fish to feed the crowds of 4,000 and 5,000.
Jesus changed water into wine to preserve the honor and dignity of a family before their guests — and to supply the wedding party.
Early Celtic saints like Columba prayed and then blessed a rock – from which water sprang – to bless an infant.
Elisha and Moses followed Father’s instructions for the healing of bitter water – and then the available provision released to the people of bitter water made sweet.
Reflecting on this subject for years, Holy Spirit revealed a few nuggets which He directed me to share.
Miracles happen when you need them.
That “need” part can be the scary part.
The need for miracles does not need to be scary.
It’s the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
Kingdom provision is about trust and faith between yourself and Father through the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit.
This starts with keeping your peace.
You have been prepared to demonstrate the Kingdom.
Trust + faith with peace are elements that = miracles.
The purpose of demonstrating the Kingdom is to point people to Heavenly Father through the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit – as their needs are met.
Keep your peace. Breathe.
Prayer response:
Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing me to be part of this pivotal time in history. Thank You for being with me (and us) every step of the way. I give permission to Holy Spirit to oversee my thought processes in order that I’m kept in Your perfect peace. Father, cause me and my family to be in the right place at the right time with the right people saying and doing the right thing. Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy and Your provision and protection. Thank You for leading me to demonstrate the Kingdom, to lead people to You, as You meet their needs. Please do more than I can ask, think, or imagine in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Hope Streams
Featured Image by Barbara A Lane from Pixabay
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