Spiritual Warfare
So if Jesus already won the war what is my part in the battle?
So if Jesus already won the war what is my part in the battle?
When everything hits the fan, it’s hard to see a good God in the middle of all the crap.
Most of us go to churches that have normal human issues but occasionally some of us encounter something so terrible it can shake the very foundation of our faith.
Getting hurt in the church is common but staying hurt is not the Jesus’ way.
We need a deeper encounter with Holy Spirit so that we can go deeper with folks that are skirting with or fully engaged in witchcraft.
So many churches in America are more like a Ted Talk with music than a gathering of saints wholly surrendered to King Jesus.
Living in resurrection life converts our pain into rivers of grace that release the Holy Spirit to move.
Toxic church environments are hard to navigate and the decisions people have to make regarding those environments are never easy.