
Confrontation With Self

Gradually, I stopped trying to flee my cell built by the evil of addiction. I accepted my fate.

Living With Rejection

Rejection seems to cut the deepest because it screams at us that we took the risk and we failed.

The Double Life

It will take time to learn to live outside the hurt, sorrow, and fear.

Get Ready For Radical Joy

Celebration is coming! I see our Heavenly Father looking down the road for the sons and daughters who are getting ready to come home.

Their Addiction

Letting go and letting God is probably the hardest thing she will do.

Is She Dead or Alive?

Anxious feelings haunt me day and night. I live in grief that many will never understand.


The battle to surrender is not a single moment of raising a white flag. Surrender is a daily choice.

I Couldn’t Be

I was traumatized into thinking every contact that came through was a police officer, coroner, or hospital telling me my child was dead.