
LOVE.HONOR.OBEY: Don’t Let Flesh Run You

My flesh was telling me to control my world. God hates pride because it’s us saying ‘we don’t need Him.’ Forgive us Lord for those thoughts or words. I repented and I pray this SALTY encourages you to do the same.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Building Quieting Capacity

Ally George joins Tennison and Ginelle as they continue their deep drive into joy and quiet. In this episode, they will be talking about building your Quieting Capacity.  Just like you need to build your Joy Capacity building your Quieting Capacity is just as important. 

MAKE LIFE MATTER: Keep it Light – with Joël Malm

If the burden of life feels too heavy to handle, maybe you’re carrying something you were never meant to carry alone. Joel helps us identify why we carry too much, implement boundaries and balance, and understand how to prioritize what matters most.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Joy – Building Capacity through Faces and Appreciation

We find Joy in the faces of the people around us. The ability to sustain Joy is directly connected to the amount of Joy that is in our ‘Joy Well’  Join Tennison and Ginelle as they pick up their conversation about Joy.  In this episode, they will talk about the finding Joy on the faces of others and Appreciation.  

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Joy—Building Capacity

God designed us to live in and out of Joy.  It truly is our natural state of being we have just forgotten.  Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin a conversation about Joy and answer questions such as; What is Joy?  Why is it so important?  How do we get, keep and refill Joy?  

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Midlife Mothering – with Bambi Moore

Today we have a heart-to-heart chat with Bambi Moore, mother of 11, blogger, and speaker. Specifically, on her heart was to share how we can have joy in the fight for faith and mothering. Moms of all ages will be edified and encouraged through this rich discussion.


Can you say you are greatly enjoying your relationship with Jesus? Is He real and precious to you these days? Would you like for your relationship to be sweeter, stronger, and more meaningful? Learn how to practically follow hard after God and how to enjoy Him more today on the blog and the podcast.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Joy—What is it?

God designed us to live in and out of Joy.  It truly is our natural state of being we have just forgotten.  Join Tennison and Ginelle as they begin a conversation about Joy and answer questions such as; What is Joy?  Why is it so important?  How do we get, keep and refill Joy?  

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Let’s Talk About Hormones! – with Julie Formby

Whether you are a young mom with little children, or an older mother close to menopause, hormones are a popular subject. Join us as Julie Formby, owner of, shares the importance of balancing your hormones and different testing options. Julie is a wealth of wisdom, so listen now.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: From Chaos to Commitment – Our Marriage Journey

Not all marriage counselors start out in healthy marriages, especially when they started before they were counselors and when they were far from God. On this episode, we’re sharing the good, the bad, and the downright ugly of our marriage story hoping along the way you’ll see the goodness of God and the hope of healing.


I’ve really struggled to put into words all that I wanted to say to you today because the last few months have been difficult for me as I’ve been seeking what God wants me to do with the podcast. In this episode I will share what God has been showing me recently, an update of what’s going on with my family and my plans for the future.

LOVE.HONOR.OBEY: When the Enemy Gives Doubt

The enemy’s job is to kill, steal, and destroy. Kill your hopes, steal your joy, or destroy your marriage/ministry/call/desires. Don’t let him! I’m offering extra encouragement (and personal testimony) of how teachers need your help too.


Even in the middle of this crazy season, we can find hope and joy, and laughter! We don’t have to be miserable just because so many things around us are miserable. We can rise above! I want to give you some very practical ways to do this! Here are 12 quick ways to add joy to your life.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Growth for the Passive Husband

We’re kicking off a new 5 part spring series called “Ready, Set, Grow”, and today we’re talking about the powerful impact husbands have in the home and why they just might need to grow out of and move away from their passive ways.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Interview with Jason Twombly – Part 1

Listen in as Tennison, Ginelle, and Jason talk about, how to practically find peace in your body even after your mind has been quieted from the questions and anxiety that you may have been facing.  They also, explore Jason’s passion for men in this day and age to be the men that God designed them to be.  


When God nudges us into the unknown, it can be thrilling and exciting but also overwhelming and risky. Join Becky and Rachel Scott as they discuss taking a risk, be encouraged and empowered to take that leap of faith in what God has called you to do.


Phillippians 4:11 teaches no matter our circumstances, to be content. Are you happy?? No, wait! Are you living a JOY-filled life? Staying connected to Jesus is the only way we can find contentment no matter our circumstances.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: The Best Marriage Advice

In today’s episode, we’re going to be sharing what you all said your best advice was. You’ll get to hear our thoughts and see if you’ve been applying any of this wisdom in your own marriage. Come join us!

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Interview with Ally George

Ally George has a passion for seeing people become free from fear and painful struggles by the power of the Holy Spirit! She loves the process of discipleship and coaching.  She has been trained through Thrive Ministries and RARE Leadership in the understanding and development of relational skills.

Is God at Work?

I will wait and trust that He is indeed very busy in our lives and marriages.

DEEP ROOTS AT HOME: Spring Garden Preparation

Join us for ideas for planting a well-producing, sustainable family garden. Get the March spring to-do preparation list. Learn four ways to keep Monsanto out of your garden, and how to build a durable wind and weather-resistant trellis. Listen now!

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Our Story – Part 6

Join Tennison and Ginelle as they conclude their story.  In this episode learn where Table and Well are today and what the future holds.  Listen as they talk about Co-Labs and Community 101 and how their healing,  growth, and simple yes to following God on this crazy journey has produced true, deep transformation in others.   

Accept Him as He Is

The Lord tells us to follow His example by accepting our husbands without making them act as we want.

EXPEDITION MARRIAGE: Spring Cleaning Your Marriage

Spring has almost sprung and we don’t know about you, but that makes us want to clean! It’s a season of making all things new, and we want that to include your marriage. Join us on this episode as we help you know what the steps are to spring clean your marriage with the same intention you open your windows and clean your house!

He Won’t Talk to Me

We all need to know that our “hearts” are understood, known, and liked by our spouses.

TABLE & WELL PODCAST: Our Story – Part 5

Listen in as Tennison and Ginelle talk through the “origin story” of Table and Well, what the process was in the development, and how God was preparing them to launch Table and Well for over a year. Learn why the name Table and Well is so important to them and the meaning behind the name.   

LOVE.HONOR.OBEY: DIVORCE is Not God’s Intention

If you are a Christian woman and want to divorce your husband bc he is not the same man you married; you are not wanting a Biblical divorce. Listen in as today’s episode talks about BS, reconciliation, sexual immorality, and offered help.

WOMEN LIVING COURAGEOUSLY: How to Find Peace in the Storm

Peace. It’s something most people are searching for. But how do we find it? Especially when life gets rainy and stormy? Where do we anchor our hearts and lives when the winds start to blow and the rain begins to fall? Discover how to find peace in the storm in this new podcast episode.