Book Review: The Rose and the Thistle by Laura Frantz
Frantz doesn’t shy away from showing the characters struggle, and that ministered to me.
Frantz doesn’t shy away from showing the characters struggle, and that ministered to me.
I did not expect this book to hit me like it did. I was literally crying.
I love how Caudill manages to touch on God’s design for marriage and the true meaning of love without getting preachy.
With Gussie, Duffy explores a lot of things, but what struck me the most was the idea that words have the power to hurt or heal.
The more Isabella grows, the more the reader can see that Isabella struggles with her worth and so do we.
These are characters you’ll remember long after you close the book.
I quickly got sucked into the mystery and Alex and Nathan work against the clock.
The premise of this book grabbed my attention because who wouldn’t love a troop of Girl Scouts saving the day?
I love the second-chance romance this novel provides and the faith arcs about forgiveness and God’s mercy.
Whether it’s romantic suspense or contemporary romance, Irene Hannon hits it out of the park every time.
As the German army invades the Netherlands in 1940, Aleida van der Zee Martens escapes to London to wait out the Occupation.
Vienna is grieving the end of her career, and Matt is grieving two people he loves.
White, per usual, includes many twists and turns and an ending I did not expect.
I don’t even know where to begin. This story sucked me in and wouldn’t let go.
Her humor is one of the things I love most about her books, especially the wit in the dialogue.
This novel packs in so much romance with a spiritual arc that reminds us of God’s healing power.
Connealy provides plenty of twists and turns throughout the story, and I couldn’t help but become engrossed in the novel.
Josiah serves as a great reminder that people are not always as they seem.
Jensen and Flora’s love story has a bit of a slow build, but the resolution is more than worth the wait.
I loved every minute of reading this book and was a bit sad when it ended.
Although If the Boot Fits is a Cinderella retelling, it is not predictable.
Her characters feel like real people I could root for.
For the first time in his life, he saw a light of indescribable beauty piercing through the darkness.
Chasing the Horizon covers a lot of the tragedies that occurred on the Oregon Trail, and Connealy uses this opportunity to explore faith and grief.
It grabs your attention and makes you wonder what’s going to happen next.
As they walked, Depressed could feel her sadness somehow absorbed by the Stranger’s hand.
I rooted for Levi to get his chance with his childhood crush from the first page.
Christian’s backstory was interesting and a wonderful way to show a person becoming a new creation in Christ.
This book includes some great discussions about God and having a relationship with Him.
Klassen’s does a great job of dropping you right into Regency England and the Devonshire coast.
I could gush about this novel for a long time.
Maybe this list will help you choose some wonderful books to add to your library this year.
This book was an enjoyable escape into Gilded Age New York.
The bestselling and award-winning queen of romantic suspense is back with a brand-new series that is sure to get your adrenaline pumping.
I enjoyed the spiritual arc about finding God’s purpose for your life and not being swayed by others.
I’ll always enjoy a good Western romance, and Misty M. Beller hasn’t disappointed me yet.
The side characters almost stole the show, including the matchmaker Mrs. Reilly and the kindly Colonel Burke.
This sweet novella collection inspired by the gifts of the wise men will definitely get you in the Christmas spirit.
This novel had plenty of twists and turns that kept me hooked.
Hedlund crafts a believable reason for the marriage of two strangers, mostly because of a case of mistaken identity.
If you love the enemies-to-lover trope, you’ll love Lone Star Sweetheart.
As he handed them each a copy of his Book, it transformed into swords exactly like his.
Four romances throughout the generations are connected with a gold pendant.
Blackburn always has me on the edge of my seat as the characters work to unravel the mystery and escape danger.
True to her usual style, Camden packs her novel with plenty of historical tidbits to make her story come alive.
I still remember reading the Hawthorne House series for the first time and falling in love with Hunter’s writing and her wonderful characters.
This book left me speechless. I smiled. I cried. And I flipped page after page, devouring the beautiful prose I’ve come to expect from Amanda Dykes.
Never settle for a shaded forest if you were meant for sunlit flight.
Marrying Mr. Wrong can be read as a standalone, but I found myself thrilled at all the cameos from previous characters.
I loved the discussion and inner monologues about trusting God amidst the chaos of this world.
Mystery and romance make the perfect dance partners in this evocative story from fan-favorite Joanna Davidson Politano.
Emptiness consumes you until one morning, you wake up and think to yourself, “I can’t do this anymore!”
Overall, Pretending to Wed is a sweet romance that marriage of convenience fans will enjoy.
Devyn is definitely a hero I can relate to, and I found it easy to root for her from the beginning.
Wade has an amazing ability to cut right to the heart of a character, including their spiritual lives.
Woodhouse does a great job of exploring Kayla’s grief and her tendency to try to wrestle control from God.
In times of self-doubt, he often recalled those two women who were not defined by what they had done or how much they had to offer.
If you’re looking for a novel that will make you laugh, cry, sigh, and think, then this is the perfect book for you.
He did not know this stranger, and yet there was something very familiar about him.
“Out of control”, “monster”, “destructive” were stuck to him every day… but none of them was his name.
Did anyone respond to his invitation to linger over this scripture? What was its full context, and why did Jesus find it so significant?
We were merely seizing the opportunity to educate the people regarding their persistent belief in the resurrection of the dead.
This letter I am holding is testimony directly from someone who witnessed these wondrous events!
Someone who endured unimaginable persecution because of his faithfulness to this very testimony!
It was a hard truth that many who came face to face with Jesus would stumble and fall, just as he had once done. Paul only prayed that in their brokenness, they would take hold of the mercy and grace offered through Jesus, and then live every day in humble awe of that gift.
Aware that she would be dismissed by the majority, she sought those with open hearts and minds – those who heard her voice and found her worthy of pursuit.
The more I thought about the unworthy servant of the parable, the more I came to believe that fear was only a small part of his problem. Such fear may have caused him to hesitate, but it led to neglect. That was a choice, and his guilt increased daily until the king returned.
To my mother, he said, “You have been entrusted with much, and have proved yourself faithful. Your children will rise up and call you ‘Blessed.’”
Find out if healing is possible as you journey with a girl who faces the dark past of her childhood trauma while trying to embrace her future!
Within my frame, I see the mongrels frenzy as they play the horde bearing down on the land about me.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted,” John softly spoke the words that both men had offered to others in times of brokenness.
Jesus of Nazareth was not remotely predictable, and that perhaps intrigued me more than anything. While many others dismissed him or dreamed of silencing him, I dreamed of conversing with him.
Without thought, I withstood my work and approached her. She paid me less concern than the animal that had pulled her and the caravan about.
How can the One who created the universe be confined in flesh? thought the mother. “Jesus. His name is Jesus,” Joseph simply stated.
Silent tears were streaming down our faces as we looked at the little baby come to save the world. So tiny. So helpless. So mighty.
“Hallo!” growled Scrooge, in his accustomed voice, as near as he could feign it. “What do you mean by coming here at this time of day?”
The Phantom glided on into a street. Its finger pointed to two persons meeting. Scrooge listened again, thinking that the explanation might lie here.
I allowed my fingers to trace her name. This woman was an important person in the history of our faith, and up until this morning, I had never heard of her.
They were the first to give Christmas gifts. Being wise, their gifts were doubtless wise ones. And here I have told you the story of two children who were not wise.
“I am the Ghost of Christmas Present,” said the Spirit. “Look upon me!”
“Listen to what I speak! Remember the unfailing love of the Mighty One of Israel! The Messiah will come to rescue his people!”
The Ghost smiled thoughtfully, and waved its hand: saying as it did so, “Let us see another Christmas!”
Gather with your family and read together about Scrooge’s journey as he meets the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come.
She allowed herself no time to nurse the pain. If the God of Israel had heard her prayers, she needed to get to the Rabbi.
Fricke’s goal to highlight hidden battles and the struggle to open up was effortlessly achieved. Ultimately, the sense that we are all Amy in our own ways grew on me.
It was vital that they learn to pray continuously, stand firm, and not give up when they encountered impossible or discouraging circumstances.
For those I loved, life went on, but I was no longer a part of it. I would catch a glimpse of their lives from time to time, always from a distance.
There is no wiser decision than trusting him. My choice is to follow him, to fully yield my heart and mind, and to place my life and future in his hands.
Could he deliver me from my current state? Surely, it was too late. I was trapped in the thicket, imprisoned by my own choices and, now, destroying others.
Now I was feeding others the same fruit that I knew had enslaved me. I was helpless to stop it, and part of me delighted in it.
‘Twas a time of the Knight. When quests and fables abound. When man fought to live and lived for conquest. A time of trolls and dragons. Such lore that stirred the heart to seek out the truth.
I reached up, and a perfectly ripened fruit seemed to fall into my hand. I hesitated as I considered the gatekeeper’s words: “It will only bring you harm.”
I should have realized that he was with me from the very beginning, but I was too focused on myself to be aware of his presence.
Higgins Takes Flight is a sweet tale that will bring joy to both children and adults alike as it reminds us to never stop chasing our dreams.
I hate that I am part of this disgusting scene. Most sickening is the realization I did not have to be here. A prisoner to my long-term weakness.
Somehow, I instinctively knew what would happen next. Human cruelty and brutality at this mindless, frenzied level don’t stop of their own accord.
“Rabbi!” I said. Tears of a different kind now began pouring out. There were no more questions. No more confusion. Jesus was here.
With a loud cry, Jesus said, “It is finished!” Immediately, His head hung low, and His knees buckled completely. He was no longer breathing.
I don’t know if anyone else noticed it, but there seemed to be a somberness about Him, and I couldn’t help but be more contemplative as I prepared the meal.
“How will I know if the pearl chooses me, Grandfather?” “You mustn’t worry your pretty head over it, Felice. You will know when it comes time if it’s meant to be you.”
There are ways to combat this disheartening rut, though. Not all hope is lost. Here are a few steps to rekindle creativity and overcome writer’s block.