
Speak Proper English

Whether or not we may consciously realize it, we can be racist in our understanding of language without ever saying the ‘n’ word.

My Health Journey

The only way I felt I could finish my degree with sanity was to physically remove myself from campus and to come home and finish school online.

Teaching from a Reservoir

But as I continued to reflect on this statement in the following days, I realized that the reservoir that Dr. Mayer taught from was not just that of Bible truth, but rather truth in relationship with Him who is Truth Himself.

Tips for the First-Year Teacher

Even though I’m no longer in front of the classroom, I thought I’d share my best first-year teacher tips in honor of back-to-school week.

Racism, the Gospel, and Me

Prior to attending public school, I had not been exposed to racially charged slurs and/or remarks. Stepping onto the schoolyard, I was in for a surprise of my life…

My Worst Homeschool Mistakes

Whether you’re a homeschool veteran or a terrified newbie, you may find yourself trying to figure out how to make the dance beautiful for your family.

A Better Graduation Speech

If given the chance, I would’ve run on stage, halted the processional music, and read to them a better graduation speech.

Experiencing God In Another Language

“Tu está aquí.” Three simple Spanish words meaning “You are here.” They became the first words in a foreign language that I connected to God with. It turns out God can also be “Dios.”

It’s All About Perspective

This world doesn’t need more physicians, attorneys, or computer geniuses (even though these things are amazing); what we need are men and women who realize that love is the very best dream to pursue.

Why Homeschool?

I agree that homeschooling is not for everyone, but if you are considering homeschooling your children and you feel lost in a sea of information, you are not alone.

8 Qualities of the Creative Mind

If a person wants to begin to increase their creative production, it will be necessary to develop as many of these mental attitudes as possible.

The Dead Sea Scrolls

As Christians, we are told to walk by faith and not by sight; however, this doesn’t mean we can’t find archaeological evidence in support of what’s written in the Bible.

The Art of Creative Thinking: Part 2

Is it possible to be balanced between convergent and divergent thinking? Of course, it is possible. In fact, that is the goal. But this often requires work.

The Art of Creative Thinking: Part 1

We see that we are all born creative. After all, we are made in God’s image, and the first thing God tells us about Himself is that He is creative.

Inspiration and Imagination

God never erases us. He works through us by allowing us to share in His imagination. Your product will always carry your personality as well as God’s.

Man on Fire: Todd White

Todd White is a man on fire. He’s like a torch blazing its way through the deep, dark night to light other torches along the way.

The Theories of Michelangelo

In his late works, Michelangelo puts aside all knowledge of the human body and his learning about art and goes back to creating his inner images in a naive and direct way, obeying only the dictates of his soul.

Michelangelo’s Spiritual Life

Michelangelo’s intense faith was the primary cause of the greatness of his work. His faith did more than affect the nature of his work—it affected his very thinking on the origin and function of art.

Take a Tour of The Creation Museum

If bugs aren’t your forté, head to the Stargazer’s Planetarium to hear from astronomers and scientists that confirm our earth’s young age and share how God’s word in Genesis is displayed across the night sky.

The Power of Failure: Part One

Making art is chancy. It doesn’t mix well with predictability. Uncertainty is essential, and tolerance of uncertainty is the pre-requisite for succeeding.

Makoto Fujimura–The Culture Artist

Makoto Fujimura is a warrior with paint whose main goal is to inspire Jesus-followers into a more authentic artistic life. He is a man of lasting vision and true craftsmanship. The world needs you, Mako, and so do I.

The Tension Between Creatives and the Church

The vast majority of artists feel disenfranchised, misunderstood, and on the periphery of their church. They must continue to seek the Lord’s guidance and become more like Him. He can make a place for them among the Church.

Can I Get Your Number[s]?

Personality tests can’t expose a transcript of our souls and a timeline for earthly wounds, but they can take a peek into our underlying motivations. They can help identify social inclinations, feelings, strengths, and weaknesses. This information, while short-handed to God’s medical records, is widely appreciated in discerning how I can be more like Christ.

An Introduction to a Life in Art

An often asked question is, “What is creativity?” A superficial definition might be “to relate two or more things that were not previously related. But this does not really explain the heart of the matter.