Carry On Wayward Sons (and Daughters)

God has a unique purpose for each and every one of us. The need to step into or to continue to tenaciously and faithfully pursue this calling has never been more important than right now!

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A week ago, my wife, Beth, and I went to see my all-time favorite rock band—Kansas. It was a bit sad to see that they are currently down to only two of their original six members, but the replacements were chosen thoughtfully.

Although they were not quite on par with the original cast, they still sounded amazing! The music and lyrics, of course, remained the same. Like most of the crowd, I left the concert feeling energized and uplifted.

A few days later, our daughter shared with us how she just heard an old song that really spoke to her and left her feeling inspired. That song was Carry On Wayward Son.

After telling us, she quickly connected the dots to realize that the song was by Kansas, who we had coincidentally just gone to see. She cited a particularly clever lyric line that suggested if you think you have everything figured out, you surely don’t.

Fast forward to today, and the conversation continued. Our daughter shared that she listened to this song again last night and that other lyrics jumped out about life’s purpose found through the promise of God.

Believing in Divine appointments and God’s leading over mere coincidences in the Kingdom, I sensed that He was putting this in front of us again for a reason. Considering what is transpiring all around us, I believe that this is a song to inspire us in these difficult and tumultuous times.

It is my belief that God inspires and speaks through almost anything, including secular songs such as this one—even if the songwriters are totally unaware. In this case, the song was penned by Kerry Livgren as an afterthought to writing the entire album, Leftoverture. He asked the band to have a listen, which they initially found to be somewhat annoying as they had painstakingly practiced all the other songs to near perfection and were about to record the album.

Once they heard it, though, they recognized that it was special and elected to add it to the album. Carry On Wayward Son went on to become their big breakthrough single and launch the band to stardom. This was especially significant as the band had been told that without a hit single (despite having produced high-quality albums,) their recording contract would likely be canceled.

The song’s lyrics partially spoke to Livgren’s personal journey to encourage humility and perseverance through the highs and lows, challenges and difficulties. He later acknowledged that he thought the song was inspired by God and that it was a bit prophetic.

Although the lyrics were prompted by Livgren’s own personal journey, I also see Carry On Wayward Son as a call to every believer to step into their own personal calling from God and to press forward no matter how dark and difficult the environment might be. We also need to humbly recognize our humanity and the bigness of God—and that He is our refuge and strength through the journey. At times, we may venture off the path, but He is beside us to guide us back and before us to make a way.

God has a unique purpose for each and every one of us. The need to step into or to continue to tenaciously and faithfully pursue this calling has never been more important than right now!

The enemy and the enemy’s minions have secured strongholds and control across all seven mountains of our world. This is the time—not to give up or give in—but to double down on our mission with great faith and belief that God is going beside us and before us! We must all stay the course and carry on in faith!

The Red Sea moment of deliverance will happen with our participation! We must partner with Him as His earthly vessels to advance the Kingdom and bring down the strongholds of the enemy.

I believe the promised land still awaits ahead. We need to turn from Egypt and press forward with renewed fervor and determination.

God will deliver us if we do our part. He will deliver our nation as we replant ourselves firmly on the Rock on which our nation was birthed.

Yesterday, Kingdom Winds published a post that I wrote entitled, The United States of America—A Captured Nation on the Precipice. In the opinion piece, I paint a very dark view of what is happening in our nation and the intentionality behind it.

Considering that I have written other similar posts over the past couple of years, I am often left feeling conflicted. Delivering critical words and messages that sound the trumpet weighs heavy and can run counter to my desire to encourage and inspire.

As a “watchman on the wall,” though, I feel compelled to call out what I see coming and to cry out for We the People to take action.

My intention is not to discourage or suffocate hope. My purpose is not to paint a dire picture and usher in defeatism—but rather to awaken, motivate, and inspire us all as we stand on a precipice with disaster just a few steps away.

Knowing this conflict in my heart, I believe that God was nudging me to issue a follow-up message. Have a listen to this song, perfect for such a time as this—Carry On Wayward Son. I believe that it will encourage and inspire you to stay strong and press on!

I continue to hang onto 2 Chronicles 7:14 and believe that God will heal this land if we fulfill our part. This scripture clearly instructs us to seek Him, pray, and turn from wicked ways. I believe that the reference to those who are called by His name also speaks to our need to pursue the purpose He has assigned us.

Though the journey may be difficult and challenging, I encourage you to carry on. Carry on, indeed!

Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” — Matthew 11:29-30 NLT

God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. — Psalm 46:1 NLT

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. — 2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT


Official Video for “Carry On Wayward Son” by Kansas

Listen to Kansas:

Watch more videos by Kansas:

Subscribe to the official Kansas YouTube channel:


Featured image by Hamiza Bakirci

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Gary is President and Co-Founder of Kingdom Winds and the Kingdom Winds Collective. He has a heart for creativity and advancing the Kingdom! In his spare time, he can be found enjoying time with his cats, searching for the next Mack and Manco pizza, listening to music, playing or watching sports, learning new things, or multitasking any of the above.

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