Called to a Higher Realm

Don’t let your guard down for a minute, but allow Jesus to lead and guide your life and ministry.

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Recently I was reading about a Dream that I had this past May.

In the Dream, I was with my sister and her granddaughter. I was talking to her granddaughter (who represented the younger generation) and I saw a Blue and White midsize airplane flying unusually low.

I believe the color Blue symbolized Revelation, and the color White symbolized Purity.

I watched intently as the plane flew over us, and suddenly lost control. As the plane flipped over and went “belly up”, I saw about ten people falling out of it.

One man fell on the roof of a house, right across the street from where we were sitting. He was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. It was a very vivid dream.

The LORD brought this dream back to my remembrance today, showing me how airplanes in Dreams represent our Spiritual Ministries.

As I read it, The Holy Spirit said, the enemy is trying to hijack godly ministries. He is after the main pilot so that he could take down everyone else in the plane.

There are passengers on board who are depending on the pilot for their safety. The enemy is trying to bring a wind shear to change the course and direction of the plane.

He’s bringing turbulence and microbursts to try to crash the plane, and storms to delay the planes from reaching their destination.

The LORD showed me distinct aircraft that are used for different purposes and how it relates to ministries.

Amphibious — that could operate on water and land, helicopters — that have the ability to fly forward and backward laterally.

Some planes have multi-engine pistons and have a second power source that is useful in case of engine failure.

There are biplanes, used for military purposes. There are business jets that are luxurious and unique in design.

Some airplanes are plush and sophisticated in appearance, used to transport small groups of people from government officials to the armed forces.

Some are companies for special operations and are privately owned. There are jet planes known for their speed and power.

They achieve maximum efficiency at high speeds and so could even go supersonic (faster than the speed of sound). Then there are those who are known to fly to extreme altitudes with ease.

This is what The Holy Spirit is showing me. The LORD is raising up Ministries that will move beyond the natural realm, into the Heavenly Realms.

There are Intercessory Ministries which are as fighter jets, that are designed to be used only for air-to-air combat against the enemy.

They are designed and built for use against airstrikes. These intercessors have eyes to see from an elevated level.

They are Watchmen on the wall, who will listen for what The Holy Spirit says, and declare what they see.

The LORD is raising up pilots who will replace those who fell asleep in the cockpit. He will instruct them on how to manage the aircraft.

They will understand all the mechanisms to have the ability to fly the plane. They will know how to maneuver through unexpected storms to avoid fatalities.

Their navigations will not be from a Global Positioning System but from The LORD Himself as they dodge every hindrance to their flight.

He’s giving them an Inertial Navigation Systems to track where they are and measure any changes in the speed.

It is imperative that the leaders pay close attention to what The LORD is saying in this season. There are those who are drunk in the cockpit.

They are flying a jet but could come into a crash landing if they don’t discern the urgency of this hour. They are called to fly at a higher level, but they are allowing the turbulence to pull them down.

The Holy Spirit has given them an aerial view but they are not following His leading. The LORD is speaking to the Pilots, those who are leaders of any kind.

Don’t let your guard down for a minute, but allow Jesus to lead and guide your life and ministry.

“For thus has The LORD said to me: “Go, set a watchman, Let him declare what he sees.” Isaiah 21:6.

“Proclaim this among the nations: “Prepare for war! Wake up the mighty men, Let all the men of war draw near, let them come up. Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears; Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.” Joel 3:9-10.

“Therefore He says: ” Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.” See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” Ephesians 5:14-16.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on A Word in Season

Featured Image by Thomas Fengler from Pixabay

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About the Author

Elaine Tavolacci's testimony is that she is Healed, Delivered, Restored, Renewed, and Set Free Indeed. She is Saved and Sanctified, Holy Ghost Filled, Fire Baptized. She is Called, Chosen and entering into her Destiny because she knows that her God is about to do Exceedingly, Abundantly, Above and Beyond All she could ever Imagine, Ask or Think in her life. What Elaine has endured in her past, she is going to use as fuel for her future. The devil came to Steal, Kill and Destroy her life but Jesus' promise to her is Life More Abundantly! Elaine declares, "I AM A SIGN AND A WONDER"

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