Oasis Church
Middletown Ohio
December 16, 2020
Senior Pastor, Apostle, Author: Tim Sheets
Founder of Tim Sheets Ministries
Watch Tim Sheets share a powerful prophetic dream about the fate of the 2020 Presidential Election and this nation. Tim’s dream came during the early hours of December 13th, just one day prior to the day electors were to certify the vote for their respective states.
Pastor Tim Sheets
Dr. Tim Sheets is an Apostle, Pastor, and Author based in southwestern Ohio. A graduate of Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, he returned to Ohio in 1979 to pastor The Oasis Church in Middletown. His vision is to raise up people who will authentically demonstrate the Church on the earth and passionately evangelize the world. His heart is for awakening and reformation in America.
Photo by Tabrez Syed on Unsplash