Did you know that the Lord has books in heaven? Maybe they are scrolls, but either way, they are records. If you are wondering what is being recorded, I’ll give you one short answer, everything! All of our deeds are recorded in heaven. There has to be a large library holding records of all mankind’s deeds. I’m sure it’s not just a wall, but an entire room dedicated to nothing but books that have been written in, and are still being written.
Daniel was given a revelation that sent the men fleeing that were with him. “I, Daniel, was the only one who saw the vision. The men with me did not see it, but such terror overwhelmed them that they fled and hid themselves. So I was left alone, gazing at this great vision. I had no strength left, my face turned deathly pale, and I was helpless.” (Daniel 10: 7-8)
Was it the Lord or an angelic host that he was seeing? There are different opinions on this, but whoever it was Daniel was completely overwhelmed.
- Supernatural experiences leave you undone.
Why did he come? “I have come in response to your words.” (Daniel 10: 1) What was Daniel doing prior to receiving this Heavenly visitor? He was praying and fasting for three weeks. Think about this:
- This visitor was dispatched because of Daniel’s prayers.
- Keep praying, our prayers matter.
Apparently, the answer was delayed by the “Prince of the Persian kingdom, for twenty-one days.” (Daniel 11: 13) If an answer was held up by the prince of this world, satan, and his demons, God overrules that. He allowed the delay.
Instead of asking why the answer was held back, focus on what we learned from this. This gives us a picture of spiritual warfare in the heavens, over our prayers and destinies, which are recorded in the Book of Truth.
- Our prayers can dispatch angels.
- Our prayers can complete assignments.
- Our prayers can strengthen others.
- Our prayers can change an eternal destination.
Names are still being written in the books. There’s another book, The Book of Life, where our names are written for those who are heaven-bound upon death. John saw, “Great and small standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.” (Revelation 20: 12)
Some believe that the Book of Truth is a reference to a divine record of the destinies of all human beings.
In Exodus 32: 33 it speaks of the Lord saying, “I will blot out of my book.” That’s why we must look unto Jesus, “The author and finisher of our faith.” (Hebrews 12: 2)
(Shared from Daniel 10: 1-21, Paraphrased)
King David must of had volumes written on he and his family alone. He had so many wives and children. Absalom, his son, was encouraged to “Lie with your father’s concubines whom he left to take care of the palace. (2 Samuel 16: 21) The advice came from Ahithophel who was recommending an act of treason, with his own father.
This action also symbolizes Absalom’s assumption of royal power. It’s also a defining line between father and son, a line of separation, rooted in bitterness and greed, which was prevalent in the political arena. That’s what a commentary stated. Hmm!
- We must be wise who we receive our counsel from. (Shared from 2 Samuel 2: 16, Paraphrased)
The books were being written even when Jesus walked the earth. All the acts of the apostles were being recorded. I don’t think there’s an entry with the name of Jesus. Humor intended!
Afterward, the apostles came back after being sent out, and “The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught.” (Mark 6: 30)
- Everything that was reported was recorded.
Jesus wanted to find a solitary place where He and His apostles could rest, but the crowds ran ahead of them to the other side and got to the place before Jesus did. “When Jesus landed (by boat) and saw the crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.” (Mark 6: 34)
- When the apostles fed the 5000, it was reported and recorded.
- When Jesus walked on the water and told them to take courage, it was recorded.
- When the people brought all the sick to Jesus and touched Him, it was recorded. (Shared from Mark 6: 30-56)
Books and volumes are still being written. Your story is not complete yet. The choices we make will be the stories that are told to our children, grandchildren, and great, great-grandchildren; unless the Lord returns sooner.
We don’t know when these books will be closed and then only opened to be viewed by the Lord, on that day.
Let your life be an open book of testimonies of what the Lord has done.
Our struggles and victories can be the launching pad to lift someone higher.
Our encouragement can be the rope that is extended to someone who needs to hold on.
Our love can mend a wounded heart and set their feet a dancing.
Our hands can pull someone up and out.
Our words can speak truth, bringing true identity in their life.
Books have volumes, still being written.
Let your life be an open book, so others will be inspired to open the Book!
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