Based on Trust

The people who were supposed to show up and be there? Sorta —- sometimes… aren’t.

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So it turns out the whole world is sorta based on trust.

We trust the people who care for our kids, who preach from our pulpits, who live in our homes, sit across from us at tables, and work with us. The people who do life with us. I like to describe it as my close tribe. The people I spend most of my time with.
You know, the people I like to say I can trust.

And a lot of times, we can get our hearts ripped out — the people who we hoped love us? Turns out — maybe not so much. Or as much as we want. Or, basically, not at all.

The people who we counted on. The people we shared intimate things with. (Our “friends.”)

You know, Lord, the people I would like to say I could trust.

Sometimes? Do the exact opposite. The people who were supposed to show up and be there? Sorta —- sometimes… aren’t.

And then You Lord, reach out and take our unnerved hand gently right into Your steadying, safe hand: “I will come to you… I tell you, do not be anxious about your life… Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you… Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid… Call upon Me, and I will answer [you]. I will be with [you] when [you are] in trouble… Be strong & courageous.” Jn14:18, Mt 6:25, Jn14:27, Ps91, Josh1:9

So, that’s what we do on nights or days like that— we take Your hand, and we nod. We pray for a peace that passes understanding and for an understanding that brings peace. We pray for those who hurt us.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Holy Beautiful Life

Featured Image by Dmitriy Gutarev from Pixabay

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About the Author

Jennifer Howard is a Kingdom Winds Collective Member and Founder of The Holy Beautiful Ministry for Women.

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