Summer is almost here officially! Vacations to the beach are already planned and we are counting the days till it arrives.
This year, as you sit at the beach with your feet in the sand, look down and remember this very important promise that was given: “I will bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore.” Genesis 22: 17
The distance between the sky and the earth, who can measure it? Perhaps, God wants us to know that the depth and height of His blessings cannot be counted nor measured, because they are too completely full.
Have you ever tried to hold sand in your hand? It cannot be held without pouring through our fingers. As pictured above, the sand is running down. The grains of sand are too numerous to be contained.
What produces a blessing that is running down and running over? Obedience does.
This promise of numerous stars and sand was given to Abraham, also, when He obeyed God by not withholding his son, Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham was willing to obey God, believing God would provide the sacrifice for him.
Obedience is always expressed by our actions. Abraham’s faith was made complete by what he did.
This radical obedience released blessing into Abraham’s life, and into his descendant’s lives. Here’s what God declared and prophesied into his life: “The angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time and said, “I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only Son, I will SURELY bless you.” Genesis 22: 15-17
When was the last time we were able to count the grains of sand on the seashore?
One man’s obedience to God released blessings to many, even down to us. Our obedience also releases blessings to others. It’s like a domino effect!
When you are at the beach in a couple of months, remember your feet are stepping on numerous blessings to be released, because of the covenant you have obeyed and because of your faithfulness to God.
Don’t stomp out the blessings! Pick up the sand and watch it trickle down through your fingers signifying blessings are falling down and being poured out. Rewards are coming, too numerous to count, too plentiful to contain, and too abundant to hold on to.
Why? Blessings were never intended to be withheld, but to be released. We can’t contain them.
It’s like trying to keep sand in a child’s sandbox neat and tidy. It always leaks out and all over the place!
Even when we leave the beach, after shaking all the sand off, we always get some on the inside of the car, even if our feet and chairs were rinsed. We can’t stop it from spreading all around!
Blessings are being multiplied, are SURELY coming, are SURELY promised. May they be spread all around.
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