We have advanced forward in our story. Jesus is now an adult entering into pubic ministry at age thirty. He is standing in line to be baptized by John the Baptist. He didn’t rush to the front of the line demanding some special treatment to be first. He knew His place, His position, yet, He chose not to make it known.
- Know your place in the kingdom.
- Know who you are in Christ.
- God will make it known who you are and give you a place.
“When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as He was praying heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven; you are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3: 21-22)
What happened when Jesus prayed? Heaven opened up.
- When we pray, heaven opens.
We may say, yes, heaven opened because it was Jesus praying. Notice that,
- When heaven opened, Holy Spirit descended.
- When heaven opened, God’s voice was heard.
- When heaven opened, affirmation is given.
- When heaven opened, God expresses His good pleasure.
- When heaven opens, things happen.
- When heaven opens, heaven comes down.
We are of the family of God, of the genealogy of Jesus. Jesus has shared all that He is with us. Don’t discount your prayers. God is opening the heavens to receive our prayers and to release answers. Those answers come and are in the form of blessings.
(Shared from Luke 3: 21-38, Modified)
In The Temple Were Rooms
There were many rooms in the temple, as there are many rooms in heaven. In the temple, some of the rooms were for the priests. Ezekiel is shown the rooms as he is getting a spiritual tour into the temple.
- God is making room for us to enter heaven and has a special place for us, yes, a special room in a special place.
When I arrive, I’m asking if I can see the gardens and sit among the singing birds basking in the endless (son) sunshine. I always have been a sun, (son) worshipper; I don’t think that will change much.
After Ezekiel is shown the rooms, God wants to show him what the entire temple consists of–God’s light and glory!
The Glory Returns
From the same direction, Ezekiel saw God’s glory depart, so now in his vision, he saw it come to this new temple. What did Ezekiel see? “The glory of the Lord entered the temple through the gate facing east. Then the Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple.” (Ezekiel 43 4-5) Yep, it was the Eastgate!
- God still wants to bring us into the inner courts, to experience His glory.
- Pure worship takes us there.
God then instructs Ezekiel to “Describe the temple to the people.” (Ezekiel 43: 10)
- Experiencing God’s glory will bring us to our knees, will bring us to the place of His presence.
- We don’t have to wait to experience Him now.
(Shared from Ezekiel 42-43, Modified)
Praise And Prayer
Isaiah speaks of what praise and prayer did for Israel. What does it do? It opens the windows of heaven.
Begin your day with thanksgiving and praise. “Tell of the kindness of the Lord, the deeds for which He is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us.” (Isaiah 63: 7)
- Thankfulness accesses the heavens.
Here’s how the heavens opened for Israel; “In all their distress He too was distressed, and the angel of His presence saved them.” (Isaiah 63: 9)
After their rebellion, “They were given rest by the Spirit of the Lord. This is how you guided your people and make for yourself a glorious name.” (Isaiah 63: 14)
(Shared from Isaiah 63, Modified)
Keep Praying And Praising Saints Of God
Our God is hearing the prayers and is opening the heavens and releasing the blessings; just as Ezekiel was shown the rooms, special rooms reserved for His priests, as His glory returned to the temple.
- As a Christ-follower we are the temples of God.
Heaven is coming to earth, not just in the form of a newborn baby, Jesus, now the King of Glory. His glory shall descend and He shall release the storehouses of heaven. Heavenly storehouses restore and release blessings that have been preserved for years.
As the praise and the prayers go up, the blessings come down. Heavenly hosts come down and worship with us. Angelic beings are released to minister to the weary saints of God.
For God has said, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” It was this prayer, that Jesus taught when the disciples asked. The prayer was entitled, “Our Father,” that we learned as a young child before we understood it.
“Our Father, who are in heaven, we hallow (honor as holy), your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
The Father delights to come down. That baby, grown up as a man, walked upon the earth, modeled how to love us so that we could love others, is coming back again to fulfill His promise.
And as He was praying, Holy Spirit descended. The fullness of the Godhead came down, in peace, presence, and purpose.
May on earth as it is in heaven descend. Oh Lord, rend the heavens and come down. We behold your presence, Immanuel–God with us!
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