The last few days as I have been meditating on a Word which The LORD spoke to me.
I began to think out loud and say to The LORD, “Every Word I am hearing begins with an ‘A’. It feels like everything is a New Beginning.”
The LORD spoke clearly, “A new AWAKENING is coming in 2025 that will enhance the AWARENESS of My Presence in a very living way.
I AM refueling My Chosen Ones with new Joy for their journey.
This is an APPOINTED Time for a special ANOINTING to carry our many Heavenly ASSIGNMENTS.
The Awareness of My unconditional Love shall begin to Awaken hearts with a desire for Unity and passion for honor with one another,” says The LORD.
“It shall be a Healing Time for the damage that the spirit of division has brought to America and many nations.
A burning Flame of Love is being released into the hearts of those who have been ‘tried in The Fire’ in the last season of turmoil, competition, deception, and corruption.
I AM speaking to My Flock, personally and corporately today.
My Compassion fails not — and it cannot be compared in any way with fickle feelings and ‘fly by night’ acquaintances who are here today and gone tomorrow.
No, I AM stable and I AM loyal and you are mine.
I AM the same yesterday, today, and forever. I will be there in all your tomorrows. I change not.
As you step into the year 2025, you shall realize that I AM writing the sum of all your days on your heart.
Just as the enemy has come to disappoint you from your appointed Time of Destiny, I have come to Appoint and Anoint you afresh.
I AM redeeming the time for my appointed servants.
Many who are Appointed for these end-times are caught up in their feelings and have been convinced by the enemy that ‘they missed their calling’ or even worse — that ‘it is too late’!
I have many things to say to you today!
Come unto Me! Look to Me and I will show you what I see.
Some who were once ‘ON’ — are now ‘OFF.
Some who were OFF — will finally get right and get ON.
Many will see I AM bringing OTHERS in to add to your Strength.
I AM your faithful Help in this great hour of need and desperation in the world.
I have given My Angels charge over you. They are encamping round about you… Yes, Angel Armies are being sent to assist you in this great undertaking that you have envisioned is too massive.
You will take down that wall you see as impossible to climb and you will overcome every obstacle that has caused you to stop moving forward,” says The LORD.
“Tho’ I sit in heavenly places, I AM stepping down in this Appointed Time of great Grace — and I say, ‘HA’! My timing is perfect and I have prepared you for such a time as this.
In this time, you will begin to see and hear about many who are having radical changes in their heart as I AM giving them their own personal one on one revival encounters!
I have been diligently searching for those who, like Samuel, esteem My Word greater than their own.
My heart has been searching for those who have paid a great price for the ‘Breaker Anointing’ and I declare this day, like Samuel, not one of their words will fall to the ground but shall go forth and be established in Power.
It is good to read The Word, know The Word, and speak The Word…. but in this very hour,” says The Father God, “I AM seeking those who have become The Living Word.”
There has been a divine purpose for every path you have taken and every road you thought was too difficult.
It was a destined journey for your heart to TRUST and OBEY.
Your path led you down many trails to reveal the deception and lies that caused so many soul struggles particularly in wrong relationships.
I have been wooing My Chosen Ones to turn around and look at Me and Declare: ‘Where you lead, I will follow for I now understand you are making the crooked path straight and building a highway of Holiness!’
The unexpected surprises have given unexpected JOY.
The divine interruptions have developed Patience that is needed in the turmoil of the last days.
Each divinely appointed side road was a setup, not a setback.
The setup was designed for a discovery or a recovery and the connections along the way were for deliverance as well as divine appointments for the now APPOINTED and ANOINTED time of AWARENESS and ASSIGNMENTS.
Beloved, you have been APPOINTED, ANOINTED, and given a Heavenly ASSIGNMENT to restore honor and give honor where honor is due.
I have stood by and watched honor become a thing of the past in the world today.
But I say, Honor shall be restored in The Spirit of Holiness as My People — who are called by My Name — accept and walk in their true IDENTITY.
They shall spring forth with a new understanding of what it means to HONOR and esteem others higher than themselves.
Each one has a unique gift and special call as they fit together as The Body of Christ and My Representatives in the earth.
It is The APPOINTED TIME to GIVE HONOR, RESTORE HONOR, and HONOR those in Authority,” says The LORD God.
I bring to your remembrance My Word, “You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that fruit would remain.” (John 15:16)
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Heart Matters
Featured Image by Amore Seymour from Pixabay
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