Accountable, Available and Awakened!

“I AM The Light of The World and I AM calling My People to be a lantern that lights the way — even to the darkest corners of the world.

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The LORD spoke to me, “Daughter, tell My People that I AM challenging them in these last days to a higher level of accountability of Obedience to My Word that plainly states: ‘The Just shall live by Faith’.

I see My People dressed for Battle with a high Praise of God in their mouth and a Two-edged Sword in their hands!

I beseech you this day to ‘Praise Me in the hallway ‘ — as you wait patiently for Me to move.

I say, when you praise Me for Who I AM, I AM all those things to you, ‘Savior, Deliverer, Friend, Creator, Counselor, Shepherd, Provider — and I AM your Peace.

I AM The God of More than Enough!

I AM turning the tables and flipping the houses of deception.

I AM revealing and delivering.

I AM showing off to the whole world that I AM the King, the Ruler, and the Deliverer!

So, take up the Shield of Faith, knowing I AM your Shield.

As you wield your Sword, you are to use it at My Command.

Always be dressed and ready filled with courage and available at the sound of my command for I AM your Commander in Chief and Timing is Urgent; Waiting is Necessary — and Obedience is The Key to Victory!”

“And He has made My mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He has hidden Me, and made Me a polished shaft; in His quiver He has hidden Me.”” Isaiah 49:2.

The Sword (Isaiah 49:2) is the Hebrew word Chereb [ חֶרֶב, chereb, kheh’-reb] Strong’s H2719. It is not a normal Sword, per se, but is a knife or tool used for cutting stone.

It often is used to describe or correspond to a teacher… which is you and I.

So it is the very Words of Christ Jesus on our lips, that have Power and Authority within them.

“Some will hear this today and answer in denial, saying, “I know all that!” but I say, I see your actions and your actions are being seen by all of heaven and the world.

Actions do speak louder than words,” says the Creator.

“I realize that many have things in their past that even though they call Me Savior, the pains of their yesterdays are causing them to run away from My Call on their lives.

It is time to embrace The Law of The Spirit of Life in you, that destroyed the law of sin and death,” says The One Who is LIFE.

“So, once again, I AM calling out to My People to say, are you still saying, “WHO AM I?”

I say, I AM all things in you!

You are unique and I call you by name today.

You have a gift that is yours alone, and you have a purpose designed by Me — and for Me — in this crucial hour, when all the backsliders and lost seem to be screaming, “WHO AM I’?

Never fall prey to the difficulties and deception of the world that is endeavoring to change your heart from Hope in God to a hopeless victim!”

‘Who Am I?’ — Casting Crowns

“I AM The Light of The World and I AM calling My People to be a lantern that lights the way — even to the darkest corners of the world.

I say to all who are listening, I desire to place you as a beam that appears quickly, seemingly out of ‘nowhere’ to bring Prophetic Understanding — just in time, for I AM an on time God.

Won’t you submit to the call to be a ‘Minister of Availability’?

Are you willing to take a stand for Liberty and Justice for all?

Will you avail yourself to those who need a helping hand?

Will you answer My Call today, to be My Voice that brings Blessed Assurance to the hopeless that everything they need shall be available through the one who supplies every need?”

Beloved, May The LORD give us a healthy heart change that leads to a Great Awakening!

“And He has made My mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He has hidden Me, and made Me a polished shaft; in His quiver He has hidden Me.” Isaiah 49:2.

“In this hour, the Prophetic is reaching a new edge.

Many Prophets who are seeking Me with all their heart and who are called to carry the purity of My Heart are entering into some life-changing encounters regarding ‘being on hold’ as I have spoken clearly to them — “while they are waiting!”

They have been developing a deeper faith, greater patience, and a purity of a hope-filled heart.

It is changing every due to one thing they have felt.

They have felt the ‘Fire of My Presence’ in our divine encounters that have in unexpected times.

The Fire has been so intense at times, that they thought they would not make it through, but it has burned up much dross of heaviness, hopelessness, discouragement, weariness, and loss of passion for the vision that I planted in them long ago that once lived big in their heart.”

‘While I am Waiting’ — John Waller

“I AM drawing them into a fresh visitation, a special time to change everything from no alignment for their assignment to perfect alignment and true refinement that was needed for their assignment.

I AM turning the page as I turn everything upside down, that has come to kill, steal, and destroy the world that I created,” says The LORD God.

“Embrace Determination — and allow it to Arise and Destroy Elimination and Frustration!!

As a result of this special heart-to-heart time, My Chosen shall continue to receive this burning away of yesterday that is resulting in a Mantle of Fire so massive that new sight and vision along with depth of hearing with clarity will bring turnaround and change.

When you speak your mouth will release The Fire of God with your words, as evidence that your heart is ablaze with the Fire of My Love,” says The LORD God of all the Earth.

“Your clarity of Vision will astound those who know you.

Your discernment shall be deeper as a result of the knowledge of My Plan that will cause you to embrace your call with Wisdom and run with new Vision — because you are awakened to the lateness of the hour and the need to redeem the time!” says The Father God.



I declare I am Sounding the Alarm!

I declare I am Available!

I decree I am Accountable!

I declare I am Fully Awake!

I declare I am in the Army of God!

I decree the weapons of my warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty!

“I AM speaking to those who are part of My Remnant Army and I AM sounding the alarm to pray without ceasing — for Repentance.”


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Heart Matters

Featured Image by Lars Nissen from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

As a prophetic voice, intercessor, author, teacher, chaplain and former online pastor with Beyond the Veil Ministries, Sandra Holman has journeyed around the world—first, as an End time Handmaiden under Gwen Shaw and later serving as a missionary with Youth with a Mission in Singapore and NC. This journey brought her full circle to serve as an advisor with Oak Ridge Lighthouse Aglow and intercessor for the TN State Aglow President. It is her joy to share some of those experiences with you