A Supernatural Grace is Empowering Us In this Hour of Exposure

FREEDOM is ringing and I hear all of heaven declaring “The bonds are being broken! The captives are being set free!”

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WHY NOW? After all these years of rumors and hearsay…after years of seeming false accusations and stories that have led nowhere…why are all these testimonies of sexual sin in the Church making headway now?

Because the Lord is directing the traffic.
He’s been preparing us and establishing our steps in this process. This is the hour HE has determined and it is HIS HAND that is directing this. He has determined this time, and NOTHING is going to stop Him from completing this assignment of exposure and cleansing. NOTHING.
But that’s not all.
He is also releasing GRACE. There is a supernatural grace that is guiding every witness that comes forward and protecting every step. There is a heavenly empowerment upon every advocate who is carrying a burden for this issue. There is a tangible grace that is blowing a wind of the Spirit on these stories and causing them to come into the light and break free of every constraint. It is a grace with unmatched power.
There is a grace to pray like never before – and see real change. The Body of Christ is not on the defensive, but on the offensive side of truth, and there is a sovereign grace to see our spiritual adversary totally defeated in this area. Where our enemy has sought to destroy the testimony of Jesus and the realities of the Spirit because of these wolves, the Father is waving us through and clearing the way for truth to be told. He is directing us where to go and what to do. He is the One directing this hour of breakthrough and overturning these strongholds of the enemy.
This is a WINDOW of opportunity – a fresh WIND of His GRACE leading us through. Pay attention to what He lays on your heart in this hour. Pay attention to that which grips your soul and stirs zeal in your spirit. Pay attention to where He leads you and who He connects you with. Know that YOU have a role in this. YOU have a prayer that can scatter the enemies of God. YOU have a song that can immobilize the hordes of hell. YOU have a word that can shatter strongholds.
Take hold of the supernatural GRACE that is here and let us see together what our God can do. FREEDOM is ringing and I hear all of heaven declaring “The bonds are being broken!” “The captives are being set free!” “The enemies of our God are being crushed beneath our feet!”
Rejoice, saints. Many tears are being shed as the truth is emerging, but joy and celebration are ahead. That which has held us back and torn us down is now being uprooted, upended, and totally annihilated by the GRACE of our God! Don’t miss this hour and this invitation to step into the grace of His Spirit and the coming winds of refreshing.

For the GRACE OF GOD HAS APPEARED, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions…to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession who are zealous for good works.

Purchase Oracles of Grace: Building a Legacy of Wisdom and Revelation here.

This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Wanda Alger
The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Wanda Alger is a Kingdom Winds Contributor. She is a recognized fivefold prophetic minister with DOVE USA (dcfi.org) and has a passion to equip and empower the saints for the work of ministry! She has produced five books, numerous video, and audio teaching series, and is currently working on her next project which will be addressing personal freedom and deliverance. Stay tuned!