As I continue to focus on the heart, I am often reminded of what God said to Abraham, “I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect….” (Genesis 17:1).
David in the Psalms determined to ‘walk before God within his house with a perfect heart’ (Psalms 101:2) so I have been seeking The LORD in these very trying times we are living in on how to KEEP my heart.
As I write about issues of the heart, I find myself sometimes responding in judgment to the way the political world is in the USA. It is so evil, yet I don’t believe we are to pass judgment but to see from the heart of our Heavenly Father and pray. He alone is the JUDGE.
The LORD took me to the New Testament to what Peter said about perfect,
“But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you,” 1 Peter 5:10 NKJV.
So perfect does not mean flawless, yet God says to Keep our Heart with all diligence because of it flow all the ISSUES of life. (Proverbs 4:23)… one definition says this:
“Heart, therefore, means the command center of the soul; the mind, will, and affections.”
It is a high-risk, vulnerable place because of sin.
Today, The LORD opened up my understanding about keeping my heart as He said, “Daughter, just as I spoke to David and to Jeremiah, I say to you today: I search the heart.
I examine all that you cannot see because evil goes deep into the soul of a man, yes, the mind, will, and affections.
That is why I say, Be careful what you watch. Guard your heart from all the issues you deal with daily.
You do not know your own heart but as you come to me and ask me to search your heart, just as David did, I perfect it.
Sin is disguised as art, and culture and deeply hidden in education.
While many think they are just developing an educated opinion, their heart is being embedded with sinful habits and worldly sexual desires.
Yes, the blood covers sin, but it also cleanses and many want the covering but do not see their need for the cleansing.”
I say to you again, “In God will I trust” is not just something you recite but a truth that must be deeply lodged in your heart.
Keep asking me to perfect your heart, just as David did, for a perfect heart is a trusting heart.
Many in the world today have resigned themselves to their situation which is working hopelessness in their hearts and that beloved, is an ISSUE.
Do you see the difference? In reality, hopelessness is a situation that is fatal.
I have come to search your hearts and know you. Many are saying, “I trust you but have a limited trust that sees me as their rescuer.”
That says, “I am your reactor who will come and rescue and the enemy is your causer. But I do not react to the devil’s plans.”
I desire you to say as David said, “Oh, my God, I trust in thee!”
As I researched this Word, this is what I found!
( The Hebrew word simply means ‘to fling oneself off a precipice’ That means to be like a child who hears his Father say, “Jump!” and trusts and obeys as he flings himself into his Father’s arms. )
So, I realized the very depth of God’s heart is trustworthy. To trust Him sends Him a message, “God, I know you are in control!”
The LORD took me back to Paul when God opened his eyes from darkness into light. (Acts 26:18)
Paul became truly aware that God was delivering him from Satan unto himself. A messenger of Satan came to him to buffet Paul, and God allowed it.
He would not allow his servant, Paul to be lifted up in pride because of the great revelation he had received.
Suddenly, as I re-read this, I felt the presence of The LORD. He said, “I will guard you even when you are not guarding your heart.
I AM in control. The enemy cannot stop the work I AM doing in you and for you, because you are mine.
You will finish well as my messenger as you TRUST and OBEY.
Yes, I am your LOVING Father, I permit trials, tests, and perfecting and they are not more than you can bear.
Always remember, I make a way of escape!”
Won’t you pray with me today?
“LORD, I will trust you, no matter what. My steps are ordered by you, LORD.
You know when I sit down and when I stand up.
You know when I am sleeping in the natural and in the spirit and you know when I am awake.
When my spirit falls asleep, you always give me a WAKE UP CALL!
You have numbered every hair on my head. You CARE.
You are my CARETAKER and you are trusting me to be a CARETAKER of all you have entrusted to me and all you have sown in me.
I am yours! I will not waver!
I thank You for opening up my understanding of what a PERFECT HEART really means and How I am to GUARD it, in Jesus’ Name.”
I believe The LORD has had me share today the true foundation for what we need in this hour.
He is filling my heart with what follows that deep trust that will allow us to be filled with new Hope in a deeper way, true zeal as only He can give and determination to have a perfect heart as well as KEEP our Heart with all diligence.
Trust is the foundation of our house and I will expound on the walls more next time. The walls of our heart are very important!
“To open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.” Acts 26:18 NKJV.
““As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever. ” 1 Chronicles 28:9.
“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23 NKJV.
We must never forget the issues that flow out of our hearts define our lives.
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Heart Matters
Featured Image by Michaela from Pixabay
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