Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35.)
Part of discernment is inspecting fruit.
Discernment means that you are taking into account how people treat people, not just how they treat you.
Discernment means listening when Holy Spirit sends off signals.
10 times out of 10 He’s sent us warning signs.
10 times out of 10 He is right.
Discernment isn’t suspiciousness.
And that is the issue in the body of Christ.
We have not learned the difference.
Discernment isn’t slandering people you think have holes in their theology.
Discernment isn’t joining a Christian girl (or guy) gang to come against others.
Discernment isn’t reaching out to others saying “Let’s pray for such and such because XYZ”
These are things God hates.
This is the very definition of biblical gossip and slander.
If discernment tells you something is off, we are to pray.
Alone with God.
Suspicion leads to unnecessary division.
Suspicion stems from low-level spirits.
It’s most often fueled by jealousy or insecurity.
It is ALWAYS destructive.
Discernment, however, lends itself to necessary separation.
Discernment points to where God is taking you. It’s for your protection and to get you to the next person who needs to hear the gospel.
Discernment is not a tool or an excuse to gossip – ever.
I believe it’s important that we’re mindful of a few things.
Just because someone isn’t your cup of tea, doesn’t make them not a follower of Christ.
Jesus loves them – even if they make you crazy.
Just because someone’s theology is different than yours, doesn’t make them not saved. No matter how “whacky” or “religious” you think they are.
No matter what your pastor told you.
No matter how much you may disagree with them.
Salvation is not based on “your rightness.”
Romans 10:9-10
“That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. ”
That is God’s requirement.
Yours matter not.
We should be VERY CAREFUL in judging someone’s salvation. We really should shake at the thought.
The thought of me and you playing God should terrify us.
We also need to understand that FACEBOOK is not the litmus test for friendship or Christianity.
You are not required to be FB friends with everyone or anyone.
If someone causes you to struggle, stumble, fall into anger, or steal your peace- it’s probably best you’re not.
No matter how “I feel” I’m not to gossip, slander, or backbite.
No Matter What!
What a beautiful thing it would be if we allowed Holy Spirit to be Holy Spirit.
He convicts.
When we’re practicing discernment we should start with fruit inspection – and that means looking in our own bowl first.
(Plucks out dry, moldy grape.)
To learn more about Heidi and her Kingdom passion, visit Kingdom Come Home
Featured Image by Teodor Buhl from Pixabay
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