A Heart In the (Thou) Sand

As a leader, do you see yourself among the people as one who serves?

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Have you ever made a big heart in the sand at the beach?  The next time you do, believe what you ask for.  

Every grain of sand on the seashore was compared to Solomon’s wisdom, understanding, and largeness of heart.  Here’s what God did for Solomon: “God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore.”  1 Kings 4: 29  

Why?  Solomon asked for wisdom.  What are you asking God for as a leader?  God appeared to Solomon in a dream and said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”  1 Kings 3: 5  

Solomon’s heart answers God and thanks Him for all the kindness that God has shown him and his father, David.  Solomon then tells God he doesn’t know how to take care of and lead all the people that God gave him.  He calls them, “A great people, too numerous to count or number.  So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people to distinguish between right and wrong.  For who is able to govern this great people of yours?”  1 Kings 3: 8-9

Leading lots of people takes great wisdom, and may I add patience!  Of all the things Solomon could have asked for, he hits the bull’s eye, by asking for a discerning heart.  

God did give Solomon a large heart with wisdom and understanding.  He compares the size of the heart to the grains of sand on the seashore.  That’s big and bigger altogether!  

The Lord was pleased that Solomon asked for a wise and discerning heart.  He then adds, “Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for–both riches and honor–so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings.”  1 Kings 3: 13

Solomon was so wise in his asking.  He said to God, “Your servant is here among the people.”  1 Kings 3: 8 

As a leader, do you see yourself among the people as one who serves?  It is wise to see yourself that way.  Jesus did.  He even called Himself a servant.   He was the servant of all servants; yet, a King of all kings!

When we ask for the right thing, God usually blesses us beyond what we asked for.  

Here’s what God gave to Solomon in numerous amounts:  The wisdom Solomon asked for was “Greater than the wisdom of all the men of the East, and greater than all the wisdom of Egypt.”  1 Kings 4: 30

Read the rest of that verse and see how God continues to speak of Solomon’s wisdom is more numerous and far above everyone else.  His fame spread to all the other nations.  

It’s important what we ask for.  Choose wisely when you ask and watch God spread you all over the earth.  

I love the fact that Solomon didn’t ask for fame, nor promotion, nor recognition, not even to be multiplied, but God did it!  Having a big heart is a major key.  It holds a lot of others and little of us.  This type of heart opens doors, opens nations.  That’s a great big sandbox in a great big world!  

God gave Solomon an overabundance of wisdom and knowledge.  “He spoke three thousand proverbs.”  1 Kings 4: 32a   Only some of these are preserved in the book of Proverbs.  

In addition, “His songs number a thousand and five.”  1 Kings 4: 32b

Take off your sandals at the beach this summer and feel the sand between your toes.  

Wisdom, wealth, and blessings are in “thou sand”!





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About the Author

Mary Beth Pecora, a faithful wife, mother, grandmother, friend, worshiper and servant leader, who loves life and loves people. More importantly, she passionately loves God and the fullness of who He is! For twenty-three years she has served in leadership positions within the ministry of Aglow International. Currently, she and her husband serve at The Secret Place--A Psalm 91 Ministry. It's a place for individual folks to come, be exhorted and prayed for, while being ushered to ministry stations within the room. They continue to serve monthly in the Prayer Room at their home church that they have been a part of for almost forty years. In April of 2022 they both received their Ministry License and were Ordained in May of 2023. She delights in encouraging folks of all ages within various walks of life. Her love of writing is now her passion, which led her to publish two books, "Restoration Explosion In The New Year," and "Navigating The Mysteries Of God." Above all that’s been accomplished and concluded, the BEST thing to her is knowing her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is her everything—her very best friend. Visit: Mybelovedsvoice.com

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