A Eulogy for Global Warming

It’s time to lay to rest one of the greatest PsyOps of our time—”climate change.”

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There comes a moment when every great PsyOp meets its bitter end.

Some have lifespans that are more tenacious than others, like al-Qaeda doing 9/11; Others are more feeble, like the Steele dossier or Hunter Biden’s laptop.

With a Trump electoral college and popular vote landslide now in 2024’s books, it’s soon time to part with “global warming,” a hoax that the 47th president-elect himself has acknowledged must be defeated.



Doomsday Kool-aid

President Trump isn’t the only one speaking out against the media and scientific community circus.

“Climate change is not happening,” declared the late founder of the Weather Channel in an old CNN interview that watches like a reverse version of doomsday flick Don’t Look Up.

John Coleman prevented the host from interrupting the monologue intended to get the heavily-denied truth onto America’s airwaves.

“Hello, everybody! There is no global warming!” Coleman proclaims with a comforting grin.

The scientist goes on to elaborate that some 31,000 of his counterparts agree the idea of made-made global warming is “a whole lot of baloney.”

“None of this alarmism about ice, heatwaves, and droughts… is happening,” he says of fear rhetoric that’s been peddled to the public since the 70s.


Ninety-seven percent of the scientific reports published support global warming. Why?” Coleman asks. “Because those are the ones the government pays for.”

The government selectively funds scientists who support the erroneous hypothesis, rather than exploring a breadth of ideas.

Even the Weather Channel has “drunk the Kool-aid,” he admits. (Click below)


Shunned science

It doesn’t take a scientist to recognize that the extreme temperature increases propagated by the media are simply not occurring, at least not in a consistent and measurable way.

Former Geologist Tony Heller and founder of “climate reality” website Real Climate Science plotted a chart with the daily average maximum temperature for Illinois since 1892.

This compilation of nearly 48,000 days of data concludes “the hottest day in Illinois was July 14, 1936, when the state averaged 111F.”


Research by Tony Heller

Meteorology student Chris Martz shares similarly conclusive evidence that “there has been no overall statistically significant trend in the frequency of heatwaves in the US since 1895, although it’s slightly down.”

Yes, we are actually in a cooling period, not a warming period.

Martz points out there was “a notable peak” during the Dust Bowl drought in the 1930s, which corroborates Heller’s above research.


The idea of extreme heat waves from modern-day global warming seems to be nothing more than an imaginative work of doomsday fiction.

Just in case you aren’t convinced, here’s heat data sliced a different way from Martz, this time showing the annual number of “very hot days” in the US since 1895. Again, we find that an increase over time is nowhere to be seen.


Skewed priorities

Does gin or tequila make the sunfish more aggressive?

If you give Japanese quail cocaine, will they become more sexually promiscuous?

According to Rand Paul, these are a couple of real-life examples of grossly misappropriated government research funding, with some of these irrelevant studies costing taxpayers $1 million.

Ask yourself: If the world was truly amidst the immediate crisis of deadly climate change, would your government allocate resources to animal studies that sound more like fringe fetishes than public best interest?


Echo chamber academia

Our corrupt administration advances the “science” that supports their pointed agenda, which is a process that begins in our education system, especially higher ed.

These liberally-skewed institutions become propaganda perpetuation centers when they favor professors and teachers who fall in line with “reputable” government narratives.

Because the government is seen as the bastion of truth and authority, the university builds its credibility upon respecting and buying into deceitful state agendas.


Thus, the exercise of free and critical thinking is critically impaired, discouraged, and even condemned. Just imagine the backlash if you were to argue in a Critical Race Theory class that anti-White racism is a significant aspect of the modern Democratic Party’s platform.

By controlling narratives, corralling independent thought, and essentially using colleges and universities as coming-of-age indoctrination centers, the Liberal and even Marxist radicalization of educated young adults is an intended outcome.


That Bachelor’s Degree of Arts is more than a mortgage-sized investment—earning a diploma comes at the cost of being molded into something of a state-sanctioned adult drone.

Unbeknownst to graduates, this embedded elitism causes a host of problems…


Liberal Arts Complex

By convincing educated individuals they are smarter and more informed than others because of their credentials and allegiance to “esteemed” experts, the academia echo chamber is reinforced.

This creates a false sense of superiority among the “reputable source”-clutchers.


This type will only accept information if it’s reported by a well-known journalist at CNN or the New York Times, drinking exclusively from a poisoned well of fictitious reality. Under this spell, even presented contradictory evidence (like John Coleman’s testimony) cannot be integrated for the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

“Check your sources!” or “Educate yourself!” are common knee-jerk snarls you might be privy to if you challenge a groupthink standpoint.

Lately, you’ll hear defeated Liberals like The View’s Sunny Hostin lambast the election results by pointing out that only the “educated city areas” voted blue. This is a polite way of saying those who didn’t go through higher education indoctrination are less intelligent, explaining how they could be as dense as to cast a vote for Trump.

Intelligence, however, isn’t demonstrated by obedience to “reputable” sources or adherence to the herd mentality encouraged by propagandist Hostin. It’s indicated by the ability to think outside the box, challenge assumptions, and create new conclusions based on available evidence, potentialities, and probabilities.

Unfortunately, this natural type of critical thinking is discouraged, unlearned, and even shamed in our education system.


Driven by fear

If the government is funding research to support a hypothesis that many scientists can prove is false, what could be the motivation behind fabricating an alternate reality?

Instilling fear seems an obvious intention. Research clearly isn’t geared toward quelling and resolving society’s supposedly valid alarm. Instead, it’s used as a tool to facilitate guilt, action, and behavior modification.

We are constantly threatened that if we don’t change our ways (the citizens, not the elites and corporations) in some five, seven, or 20 years, we will succumb to widespread death and destruction. Yet world leaders fail to act in meaningful ways to address this impending calamity.

Kingdom Corner writer (my father) Gary Suess remarks on this story: “The glaciers were supposed to be melted 20 years ago and the entire East Coast was supposed to be under water.”

Indeed, the end of the world has been called for numerous times. Well, if then-adolescent Greta Thunberg says it, it must be true…



Globalist incentives

So what’s the payoff on these lies?

The climate change hoax for one is a massive cash grab that likely allows government money to be laundered toward more nefarious purposes (than giving cocaine to quails) and to line Globalist pockets.

The Globalists of course head up this massive psyop, embedding it into their corrupt and frankly malicious operations across controlled organizations like the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization.


An effectively fear-ridden populace also allows world leaders to exert greater control with a more compliant and even gracious response.

“Yes, leaders, please limit our individual carbon footprints through government monitoring systems to save the Earth,” could be heard in the not-so-distant future.

We’re already allowing Globalists to influence us, like California Governor Gavin Newsom’s gas price increase to encourage driving inefficient electric vehicles, or Bill Gates’ chemical-laden imitation meat for fear of carbon-producing cows.


Depopulation dreams

Most strikingly, this constant doomsday fear-mongering alters repopulation outcomes.

A common sentiment I’ve heard among New Yorkers is they‘ve written off having children because the world will essentially burn by global warming before then.

“How could I bring children into this horrible world?” they argue.

An indicator of population collapse, you would think, would be a cause for grave concern among world leaders, but this is more likely one of the fabricated propaganda’s goals.

It’s been said that the Globalists associated with those corrupt aforementioned institutions (UN, WEF, WHO) intend to reduce population by 80% to “save the planet.” Apparently, our individual carbon footprints are just too much for Mother Earth to handle.


Bill Gates, a Philanthrocapitalist (someone who uses philanthropic endeavors to enrich themselves), major shareholder in many pharmaceutical companies, and key player in control of the WHO and WEF, has been an outspoken warmonger of the so-called climate crisis.

Gates thinks our climate “problem” is because we have too many people creating carbon. He even gave a TED talk on it, where he inadvertently admitted that vaccines are a depopulation tool:

“The world today has 6.8 billion people, that’s headed up to about 9 billion,” he warns. “Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15%.”

Huh? Aren’t vaccines supposed to protect and elongate lives, Bill?



The real risk—a multi-pronged attack on health

Funny enough, Bill Gates plays a significant role in these depopulation vaccines.

Gates has yet to be tried for his crimes against humanity by testing his poison on populations of children in Africa and India. Many innocent souls were left permanently disabled or even dead, yet the billionaire still rakes in accolades and respect as a Globalist Elite.


Free jabs for all

It’s best to approach anything that Gates touches as a potential weapon since he has made his role as an agent of genocide so stunningly clear.

That’s probably why he funded the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine that has injured and killed countless Americans. (Plus taking home $500 million on related stock.)

But would you believe Gates and longtime business partner Anthony Fauci teamed up to produce rapid pandemic test tech and mRNA vaccines for the “next epidemic” prior to the Covid-19 virus being announced?

Strangely, the pair had been on something of a “pandemic warning tour” since 2017. During a Georgetown University speaking engagement that year, Fauci even declared that there would be a “surprise outbreak” during Trump’s presidency.



This, of course, appears to be the same pandemic that stemmed from Fauci’s gain-of-function (bio-engineering viruses to be more potent and lethal) research facility in Wuhan, China. Go watch the documentary “Thank You, Dr Fauci” if you want to head down this rabbit hole.

But why leave the poison just for vaccines?


Artificial food

According to the Globalists, natural food is a big problem.

John Kerry has said that we need to shut down US agriculture to address the “climate crisis,” warning that emissions from the food system could cause half a degree to three degrees of warming by mid-century.

Kerry went as far as to predict a future of starvation.

“You just can’t continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it,” he lectured. “We gotta be more militant, maybe.”


Lucky for us, our Genocide Agent Bill Gates is already on it. His start-up investment Savor makes “foods” from a thermochemical process, entirely without photosynthesis.

“It’s a totally non-agricultural method of producing food,” explains Savor’s Chief Technology Officer Kathleen Alexander, that “doesn’t require vast amounts of land, or animal suffering, or produce greenhouse gases.”

“Agriculture emissions are one of the most difficult to get rid of,” Gates laments in a marketing piece for the company. “People have come up with alternative food, but it’s hard to get more than a small market share.”


Farmland monopoly

Okay, okay, so Gates’ fervent commitment to “ending climate change” means he thinks our natural human bodies should no longer consume naturally grown food.

Is that why he has also decided to buy up American farmland?

As of late 2023, Bill Gates owned 242,000 acres of farmland across 19 states.


Source @VishalBhargava5 on X

But Gates isn’t the only entity interested in controlling American farmland. The CCP puts Bill to shame with ownership of nearly 400,000 acres, all located near military bases.


Is this a coincidence, or are Gates and China in cahoots? RFK Jr. has shed light on Gates’ role taking over 80% of American hog production—putting 28,000 farmers out of business—and then selling it to China.

President Trump recently declared that he would pull the US out of the WHO, saying the organization “has become nothing more than a corrupt Globalist scam, paid for by the United States, but owned and controlled by China.”



Government overreach

It’s not surprising that WHO-affiliated Gates and China would prefer to dominate American land. The Globalist ideology, per their 2030 agenda, is that there should no longer be private farms or even vegetable gardens.

Fortunately for Gates, he’s so cozied up with the Elites that in a New World Order scenario, his land ownership would likely fall under the category of “state.”


Is the mission to end private farm ownership already underway? Anyone with an ear to the industry has probably heard the frustrations of increasing government regulations and fees that are putting small family-owned farms out of business.

This was even the last straw to drive the Pennsylvania Amish to register to vote for Donald Trump.

Unconstitutional seizures under the Biden-Harris regime left the Amish without food rightfully prepared to feed their community. One farmer Amos Miller had his farm not only shut down but raided by US Marshalls who seized all meat products and tossed them in a landfill.


Pesticides and airborne toxins

Chemtrails, cloud seeding, and pesticides, oh my!

The government has been playing God with the weather for decades—at least since they used cloud seeding as a weapon in the Vietnam War—but how old were you when the sky started looking like a checkerboard?

A military doctor has blown the whistle that chemtrails are real and highly classified, containing barium salts, human plasma, micro-viruses, non-terrestrial nano-silicon machines, and poisonous aerosols.

Barium salts, he says, are 10,000 times more toxic to your nervous system than lead.

Why would the government poison our air? Well, they’re spraying to “reflect the sun to stop global warming,” of course.

“So most of them are dumb enough to believe that garbage,” the whistleblower quips.


Dr. Casey Means, a graduate of Stanford Medical School, has spoken out about an alleged 1 billion pounds of synthetic pesticides sprayed on 99% of American crops every year.

Many of these pesticides come from China and Germany, she says, before rattling off a list of related side effects: “autism, ADHD, sex hormone disruption, thyroid disease, sperm dysfunction, Alzheimer’s, dementia, birth defects, cancer, liver dysfunction, infertility, and more.”

It reads like a Big Pharma commercial disclaimer, doesn’t it?

Except when it comes to a poisoned food and air supply, we don’t have a choice in the matter.


Ultra-processed diet

Means’ testimony includes as well the stark contrast between scientific study outcomes based on funding source: 82% of independently-funded studies show harm from processed food, whereas 93% of industry-sponsored studies reflect no harm.

Which group do you think is more truthful and accurate?

The doctor recalls that she didn’t have to take a single nutrition class to earn her medical degree at Stanford, and she learned “virtually nothing about how ultra-processed food is causing poor health outcomes and early mortality rates.”

She also took a blowtorch to the FDA, alleging that 95% of the administration had significant conflicts of interest within the food industry.

The corruption extends to Big Pharma, too. Between 2006 and 2019, 9 out of 10 FDA commissioners accepted roles at the pharmaceutical companies they regulated.


Source: @KanekoaTheGreat on X

It almost seems as if the esteemed experts who are supposed to care the most about American health actually care the least.

Consider the poisons that are laced into American processed “foods,” not unlike the fentanyl crisis: aspartame, maltodextrin, toxic dyes, MSG, fluoride in the water supply, the list goes on.

None of these chemicals need to make it into American food products. The same brands that create these toxin-laden products ship out clean versions to Europe, where regulations are much tighter.

According to “Make America Healthy Again” advocate RFK Jr., America has the most chronically ill population with the greatest prevalence of cancer on the planet, yet we boast the most sophisticated healthcare.

In President Trump’s previous term, Bobby advised him to look into vaccine injuries, but Bill Gates interfered. In Gates’ own words: “No, that’d be a bad thing, don’t do that.”

Why shouldn’t we? Clearly something has gone terribly wrong.


Self-sustaining sickness

With a system rigged against us, the American people are attacked from all angles.

Our food, even the organic, real stuff, is compromised through toxins sprayed in our air and on our land. The majority is ultra-processed and chipping away at our health. Our water is poisoned under the guise of dental health. The air we breathe is contaminated. Mental health is plummeting as society becomes more anxious and fearful.

Sickness is created through our poisoned environment and mind, and then “treated” with another set of poison from our friends at Big Pharma.

Many are sickened without ever knowing the root cause, thinking that it’s natural, assuming that being sick is just part of the human experience.

But climate change is our biggest problem?


Contradictions abound

If global warming was truly such a threat, wealthy elites like the Obamas wouldn’t be buying up beachfront property that’s labeled “at risk for climate change” on Zillow, zipping around the globe on private jets, or stealing land from Hawaiians.

If we were genuinely at risk, the Biden administration would have taken drastic action during their term. Instead, they wasted $7.5 billion on seven (it was supposed to be 500,000) electric vehicle charging stations across the country.

How does one spend $7.5 billion on seven EV charging stations?

“Whoopsie, I lost the budget,” is a common occurrence with these Globalist types. An investigative journalist recently reported on the World Bank’s “misplacement” of a whopping $41 billion allocated for addressing the “climate crisis.”

Maybe that $41 billion is somewhere with Biden’s $7 billion.


Greener pastures

A recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience with Elon Musk debunked the agricultural emissions propaganda and assured listeners that they can keep eating their steaks without worrying about their carbon footprint.

“It’s irrelevant,” Musk says. “You won’t even be able to measure it, that’s how irrelevant it is.”

“Regenerative farming is carbon neutral,” Rogan points out.

Americans are in luck because regenerative farmer Joel Salatin has been appointed a USDA position under the upcoming Trump administration.

Salatin’s work will address our soil and livestock, “returning carbon to the Earth with healthy farm animals.”

Another win could be Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie, who’s being floated for Secretary of Agriculture. Massie’s platform centers on empowering farmers, which is a massive shift that America must embrace if we’re serious about getting healthy.

RFK Jr., who has spoken of feeling divinely appointed to join Trump’s upcoming administration and Make America Healthy Again, has promised to take on the corrupt FDA and end toxic chemtrails on day one.



With so much good to come under the Trump-RFK Jr. Unity Party coalition, many are still too entrenched in Globalist lies to see it.

A family member recommended that I read Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World by Katharine Hayhoe.

One search pulled up the book’s Amazon page, where the author is named “United Nations Champion of the Earth.” This says it all.



Whether conscious participants or useful pawns, those associated with the Globalists should always be questioned.

An over-reliance on authority media outlets and blind faith in government has been the downfall of societies too brainwashed to see their own demise.

We must stop condemning independent researchers and freethinkers, and we should continue sharing our ideas and knowledge without fear of retribution.


Featured Image by Bettina Nørgaard from Pixabay

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Tara is an author, writer, artist, filmmaker, podcaster, and a Kingdom Winds Featured Collective Member. Her work can also be found on YouTube, Rumble, and Substack under Tara4America. She offers empowered insights from the people, for the people, in an age when nothing is what it seems, and the truth is hidden.

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