Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven?

From the time Jesus began His ministry, He spoke about the kingdom.

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So what’s the difference?  I see it this way.  God is the King of the entire universe.  We are His representatives here on the earth.  Our designated territory is on the earth.  Therefore, we are the Kingdom of God on the earth.  Hear me, I did not say we are God!  

God’s kingdom is us carrying out His dominion on this planet.  

God’s kingdom is manifest in His people rather than in a particular place.  

Both phrases, Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven, are essentially the same, but the Kingdom of Heaven is about its headquarters.  

We are to implement the rule of heaven in the affairs of mankind.  In other words, we are to be influencers with folks about the Kingdom of Heaven. 

God’s authority within the heart of a Spirit-filled believer is the Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God is within us, remember.   Through us, God’s designated representatives, are to have an impact on our earthly environment as we release the Kingdom of Heaven.  

That’s where signs and miracles come from that make people wonder, so they no longer wander.  

The Spirit of God is within us, so we can take the King with us anywhere we go.  When we do that, we take the Kingdom of Heaven into that place.  

It’s interesting when Jesus began His earthly ministry, the Messianic prophecy from Isaiah is quoted, “The people living in darkness have seen a great light on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”  (Matthew 4: 18)

Each and every morning at dawn, (the first light of day), we are reminded of the brightness, of the light, the light of Jesus.

Are people living in spiritual darkness seeing the light of Jesus in us?  

From the time Jesus began His ministry, He spoke about the kingdom.  He said, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”  (Matthew 4: 17)  God’s reign was drawing near in the person and ministry of Jesus Christ.  

There is a war taking place between the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness.  

Jesus had just come out of being in warfare, face to face with Satan.  The last tempting place Satan took Him was “To a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of this world and their splendor.  All of these I will give you, he said, if you bow down and worship me.”  (Matthew 4: 8)  

How did Satan get them anyways?   Adam and Eve lost it through disobedience.  So Jesus had to win it back to us by His death and resurrection.  

The only way we can take our rightful place on this earth, our dominion, is through Jesus. 

Adam sold out to Satan.  But, as a Christ-follower our Kingdom rule and reign, as Kingdom-minded believers, our domain is our dominion here and now!  We carry the gospel of the kingdom.  That’s why Jesus prayed, “On earth as it is in heaven.”  This was the Lord’s prayer before He taught it to us.  

KINGDOM PRINCIPLE:  God’s rule in His children on the earth and in heaven, was never intended to be separated.  






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About the Author

Mary Beth Pecora, a faithful wife, mother, grandmother, friend, worshiper and servant leader, who loves life and loves people. More importantly, she passionately loves God and the fullness of who He is! For twenty-three years she has served in leadership positions within the ministry of Aglow International. Currently, she and her husband serve at The Secret Place--A Psalm 91 Ministry. It's a place for individual folks to come, be exhorted and prayed for, while being ushered to ministry stations within the room. They continue to serve monthly in the Prayer Room at their home church that they have been a part of for almost forty years. In April of 2022 they both received their Ministry License and were Ordained in May of 2023. She delights in encouraging folks of all ages within various walks of life. Her love of writing is now her passion, which led her to publish two books, "Restoration Explosion In The New Year," and "Navigating The Mysteries Of God." Above all that’s been accomplished and concluded, the BEST thing to her is knowing her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is her everything—her very best friend. Visit:

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