Is there a difference between giving it our all or putting in everything? Not really. It’s like jumping in.
It’s the same as when we, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Mark 12: 20)
This is the kind of love He wants, all of us when we put in everything. Who wants to be loved only partially? The widow gave her offering, and she puts in everything, all she had.
Am I advocating that we should give all our money away? No, but our heart should always be in what we are putting in.
Do we love God with everything we have to give Him? Surrendering all is not a negative, it’s the beginning of a life that we can live in, to live in His all.
(Shared from Mark 12: 28-44, Modified)
Solomon was given all of God’s wisdom, that’s a great measure of wisdom. Here’s the measure: God also gave him “Very great insight and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore.” (1 Kings 4: 29) Can we measure sand on the shore? Nope! The never-ending wisdom of God is like His breadth upon us. Yes, Lord, breathe upon us.
I guess we could say, “God put in everything as He gave His all!” He is our all, in all, and through all. It says that “Solomon’s wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the men of the East and greater than all the wisdom of Egypt.” (1 Kings 4: 30)
- God gave all for all.
That’s definitely putting in everything! God even gave Solomon all the preparations for building the temple.
- When we are given everything, we can put in everything.
- Give everything for His Kingdom.
- Giving Him our all makes preparations for His all! (Shared from 1 Kings 4-5, Modified)
Israel kept walking away from God when all He wanted was for them to call on Him. “They do not turn to the Most High they are like a guilty bow.” (Hosea 6: 16)
Our God longs to redeem and put in everything, to give us everything. Thanks for Jesus, we’ve been given everything, in Him. It’s time to put in everything and watch Him move.
Everything is going to be alright! He’s put in everything to cover everything.
(Shared from Hosea 7: 3-16, Modified)
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