What if I told you that today’s mainstream healthcare is closer akin to “hell’s care.” Of course, not all forms of healthcare, but a very specific form that has been forced on the human population. I am talking about the chaos that was unleashed by experimental COVID-19 “concoctions” and gender-transition drugs. Such scientific advances go far beyond a medical crisis—it is spiritual deception rooted in pharmakia, an ancient form of witchcraft.
The Bible warns of pharmakia as a tool of manipulation and rebellion (Galatians 5:19-21, Revelation 18:23), often translated as “sorcery.” In biblical times, it referred to the use of substances to control minds, alter reality, and draw people away from God. Today, it’s cloaked in the guise of modern medicine, but its effects are just as destructive. “Trust the science,” right?
COVID-19 “cures” were sold to the world through fear and coercion, with little transparency about long-term risks. During that season from 2020 onward, many were wrong in their views on COVID-19, masks, and the vaccine. To speak out against the lies being sold often meant being labeled a science denier or conspiracy theorist. Yet, those same voices have not repented of their misplaced trust in flawed systems and false narratives.
Instead of acknowledging their errors, many double down, ignoring the damage done to individuals, relationships, and society. This includes pastors who, as Megan Basham highlights in her book Shepherds for Sale, were effectively “for hire.” This refusal to repent exposes a deeper issue: humanity’s tendency to cling to pride rather than pursue truth.
Another stark example of how healthcare can become “hell’s care” is found in gender-transitioning drugs and hormone-blocking therapies. These drugs go even further, chemically distorting God’s design for identity and destroying bodies under the guise of “freedom.”
Both examples embody the core traits of pharmakia: manipulation, deception, and rebellion against God’s order. Like ancient sorcery, they promise healing but deliver harm, leaving individuals physically, emotionally, and spiritually broken and in bondage.
The Bible warns that entire nations are deceived by pharmakia (Revelation 18:23), and we see this happening today. Sudden deaths, lifelong dependency on drugs, and cultural confusion are tearing at the fabric of society. Pharmakia rejects God’s sovereignty over life, health, and identity, substituting human progress for God’s promises.
Christians must recognize the spiritual battle at play. This isn’t just about bad science or politics—it’s about the enemy using modern sorcery to enslave humanity. The Church must expose these lies and proclaim the Gospel, the only true source of healing and freedom (John 8:32). Pharmakia enslaves, but Christ sets us free. It’s time to wake up and call this deception what it is: modern witchcraft, wreaking havoc on the world under the guise of “progressivism.”
[Excerpt from Hindsight 2020: See Lies Backward, coming soon]
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Truth Over Trend
Featured Image by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pixabay