Are You Under a Witchcraft Attack? 

Rid yourself and your home of these dark practices and ask the Holy Spirit to cleanse yourself and your home with His light.

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You may have been experiencing some symptoms that you are not sure what it is, or perhaps you do know what it is and need to understand what to do about it.

Before I begin writing about the symptoms or signs of a witchcraft attack make sure that you actively disengage, renounce, and turn from all occult activities and practices. Rid yourself and your home of these dark practices and ask the Holy Spirit to cleanse yourself and your home with His light.


Signs that you may be under a witchcraft attack:

  • Headaches that don’t go away with Tylenol and last several days. The pain may feel like a tight band around your head.
  • Unusual and persistent fatigue. This fatigue does not go away with sleep, vitamins, or eating well.
  • Discouragement in every area of your life.
  • A general feeling of malaise.
  • Marital conflict-disunity, discord, and/or division.
  • Nightmares, insomnia, and/or getting up through the night.
  • Strange occurrences, this could represent many things.
  • Setbacks, business failures, and misfortunes.
  • Confusion, and “fog-like” thinking
  • Irritability and aggravation
  • Feel like giving up
  • Prayer life is hard or don’t feel like praying at all.

This is not an exhaustive list, but if you are experiencing a witchcraft attack you won’t just experience one or two on the above list, but multiple on the list.


What can you do if you are under a witchcraft attack?

  1. Repent, renounce, and turn away from works of darkness.
  2. Plead the blood of Jesus over yourself, your mind, your soul, your family, your home and property, your possessions, your vehicles, and your pets. Do this daily and forbid the enemy from crossing the bloodline of Christ Jesus.
  3. Bind, forbid, and restrict all witchcraft assignments against you, and all that pertains to you in Jesus’ name.
  4. Come out of agreement with the lies of the enemy and declare out loud what God says in those situations.
  5. Worship the Lord, give praises to His name, and magnify Him over what the enemy is attempting to do. Focus on His goodness, His faithfulness, and His love for you. Keep your attention on what God is doing.

Purchase Stephanie’s book Disciplining Your Mind: 30 Days to a Better You! here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Stephanie Reck

Featured Image by Ruth Archer from Pixabay

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About the Author

Stephanie Reck provides life coaching services to women to help them get unstuck from life's challenges and move towards their purpose in God using 1:1 coaching sessions, courses, books, articles blogs, and videos. It is her mission to see women healed and whole through the work of the Holy Spirit and apply prayer, scriptures, deliverance, and/or a word of encouragement as the Holy Spirit directs to redirect women back to their first love, Jesus Christ.

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