Spiritual Advantages to Getting Up Early 

I feel God’s peace as I put Him first in the morning, and I begin my day in His peace.

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I honestly did not think I had any other options for getting up in the morning. I believed the lie that I hated mornings, I loved to sleep in late, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I wanted to spend time with God, but morning times did not work, because I had enough time to speed into work, and that was all my mornings allowed. I would arrive at work usually in a panic or rush because inevitably I would get caught in morning traffic or stuck behind the toll bridge. I never allowed myself time in the morning to get anything done other than that very quick cup of coffee, that I usually guzzled down while hurriedly getting dressed.

I tried spending time with the Lord after work. I tried praying, reading my Bible, and being still before God in the evenings, but those attempts failed miserably. By the time I whipped up dinner, cleaned the kitchen, and prepared my clothes for the next day, I would find by the time I sat down to read my Bible, I would fall asleep.

I thought, there had to be a better solution to getting more done than I wanted like spending time with God, exercising, and planning out my day.

I saw a video on YouTube, “How to be successful before 8 am.” Of course, I clicked on the video and did not even realize that the video was made by a Christian. What inspiration and encouragement I received from that video. I realized if I truly wanted to be able to get the goals I wanted to accomplish, I would have to wake up earlier!

I recommend that if you start getting up earlier you make sure that you get to bed earlier.

What are the spiritual advantages that have occurred in getting up early:

1.    I have quiet time in the morning before anyone else gets up. I use that quiet time to get alone with the Lord. I read the Bible, pray, worship, do a gratitude journal, and/or listen to the Holy Spirit. This time with the Lord is the very first thing that I do before doing anything else.

2.    I can seek the Holy Spirit’s direction and guidance for my day. I ask the Holy Spirit, “What do you want to share with me today, what do you want to speak to me in your Word, and I ask the Holy Spirit to direct and guide me.

3.    I can frustrate the plans of the enemy for the day, and cancel demonic assignments for me, and my loved ones. Getting up early to rise and pray is a strategic warfare battle plan, as the enemy has already been up causing havoc. Witches do their spell-casting after midnight, usually before daybreak and sundown.

4.    I feel God’s peace as I put Him first in the morning, and I begin my day in His peace. My day tends to go a lot smoother when I have this time with the Lord in the morning.

Now that I have gotten used to getting up early and spending time with God, (and sipping my hot coffee slowly during this time), I also have time to exercise, eat a healthy breakfast, wash the breakfast dishes, and make the bed! I also love getting up in the morning now, as I look forward to my quiet time with the Lord. I am now in the camp of the “early morning risers!”

Purchase Stephanie’s book Disciplining Your Mind: 30 Days to a Better You! here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Stephanie Reck

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About the Author

Stephanie Reck provides life coaching services to women to help them get unstuck from life's challenges and move towards their purpose in God using 1:1 coaching sessions, courses, books, articles blogs, and videos. It is her mission to see women healed and whole through the work of the Holy Spirit and apply prayer, scriptures, deliverance, and/or a word of encouragement as the Holy Spirit directs to redirect women back to their first love, Jesus Christ.

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