In 1 Kings 18, Jezebel orders the death of all the prophets of the Lord. She wanted to silence their voices and replace them with alters of Baal.
Jezebel appears again in Revelations 2:19:22
What you need to do before doing spiritual battle with Jezebel:
1. Repent of any sin.
2. Keep your heart free of unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, and offense.
3. Don’t judge the person, but the sin.
4. Heal from any past wounds, no open wounds!
5. Don’t compromise with this spirit in any way.
Understanding the characteristics of Jezebel:
1. It can operate in both men and women
2. It operates in control, manipulation, domination, intimidation, and fear.
3. It causes discouragement, depression, and wanting to give up and quit everything.
4. It seduces and provokes sexual immorality.
5. Teaches false doctrine.
6. Not repentive.
7. After the voice of the prophetic.
8. Plagued by inordinate fatigue and confusion after being in its presence.
This spirit can operate in families, churches, and individuals.
The spirit of Jezebel is prominent in the United States. We see this clearly in media, government, and educational institutions. There is a rising of the Elijah spirit in the days we are living in to conquer this wicked spirit.
Word of Encouragement: No More Hiding From Jezebel! You Are Clothed in Royalty and Crowned with Honor
This Jezebel spirit has been trying to kill you your entire life. Nothing is more powerful than the Spirit of God. There is no need to fear this foul spirit of destruction.
Yes, you tried to run and hide in your “cave” again, and yes, you asked the Lord,” to take your life.” You are tired and weary from the onslaught of Jezebel’s fear and intimidation.
Rest and regain your strength, and then get back up and defeat this stronghold in your family as God directs you.
The fear and vain imaginations are part of the witchcraft that Jezebel implores. Wash your mind with the Word, the blood of Christ, and speak truth over the lies.
You will finally defeat this insidious spirit of destruction in your family first, and then as God leads. You will rise above the threats of death this spirit imposes on her victims.
You will win this war brought on by Jezebel and her cohorts because all of the Kingdom of Heaven backs you up.
Take up your shield of faith, and deflect the enemy’s arrows, Take your place and position yourself as a victor in Christ!
You will not be defeated by this giant in your life, it’s time to take this giant down!
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Stephanie Reck
Featured Image by Bereana from Pixabay
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