Do You Know Your Groan?

Unity is everyone being faithful and authentic to their assignment and celebrating others in their unique expression.

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Blueprints are interesting. The idea of unity is even more interesting. And the groan of heaven is undeniable!

Here’s a thought, just coz some are not “feelin it” or “resonating” with what others are trying to build, pioneer, forerun, or establish, doesn’t mean they are not in unity. It doesn’t necessarily conclude they are prideful, jealous, insecure, or judgemental either.

I’ve learned that one must be faithful and authentic to the blueprint (the architectural design) and groan of heaven within them otherwise they simply WONT be in unity. Unity is everyone being faithful and authentic to their assignment and celebrating others in their unique expression.

To be frank, there are some blueprints right now that do not resonate with the frequency of the groan in my spirit. Does this mean those blueprints are not from heaven because I don’t resonate? The answer is simply NO. It’s just not my blueprint. And to build accordingly would be wrong for me. If I forsook the groan in me for the sake of appearing to be in unity, I would be partnering with a political spirit and acting like a hypocrite.

The idea of unity does not mean everyone must come in line with your blueprint or expression or way of building. Or running to every person’s event to support it to save face and “demonstrate” unity. In fact, (being really honest here) I sometimes see others’ assignments and think “Thank God that’s not mine” and have no desire to be a part of it, even though it may be the new flavor of the month and totally from God.

Is this a conceited, prideful heart attitude? No, it’s not. It’s just over the years the wilderness has taught me to be faithful to the frequency and resonance of heaven’s groan within me. What’s “new”, fashionable, vogue, in trend has never influenced me. But rather the groan within. Sometimes being authentic to the groan within has been a very painful and costly journey. As most times the groan I carry has not been favorable, fashionable, trendy, or vogue. I have learned though, that if I deny my groan to follow another’s I end up in despair. This doesn’t mean I don’t integrate and mingle with other people’s assignments and cross-pollinate and serve in some capacity alongside other expressions, but only when the Lord releases me to do so.

What bothers me is the seeming lack of understanding of these terms in the body regarding unity.

Some have an immature way of presenting their blueprint as the ONLY RIGHT way instead of” ONE OF THE WAYS” God is establishing His kingdom in this hour. Now people who aren’t in touch with their groan will flock to these ones who present their way as the “only way” because they need to be told what to groan rather than find their own. A person’s groan will lead them to their right tribe, not the other way around.

I would rather help people find their groan, even if it’s different than mine, and release them to establish and serve that blueprint rather than try and conform someone to my groan and tell them it’s the “only groan.” This ultimately is unity.

We are to help people conform to the image of Christ, not another system. Let’s build Christ into people and help them find their groan.

Purchase Anita’s book The Day of Ruach: The Third Day Reign here.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Revival Flame Ministries

Featured Image by by Kate Trysh on Unsplash

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About the Author

Dr. Anita Alexander Th.D is a Prophetic Revivalist, Teacher, Intercessor, Psalmist, Author, and Songwriter. Anita graduated with her Doctorate of Theology degree from the North Carolina College of Theology in 2021. Together with her husband Dr. Sasha Alexander, she is the co-founder of Golden City Church, Kingdom Academy School of the Spirit, and Director of Revival Flame Ministries.

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