Heaviness of Shame

Anyone dealing with shame is typically experiencing anxiety, grief, unforgiveness, and deep self-hatred.

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I consistently see a direct link between shame and physical pain. I’ve had many clients get unexpected physical healing while getting freedom from shame. Jesus is AMAZING! After ministering recently, several testimonies came in of physical healings after deep deliverance from shame.

I remember a time in my own life when I was dealing with several physical issues, one being a chronic illness diagnosis. At the time, I was in a place of grief and living in extreme shame because of sin cycles. One day, God told me to confess my brokenness to a specific person. I was very hesitant and afraid; however, I chose obedience. That night I was healed of chronic pain. Soon after, all the other physical issues left!

What’s the LINK?

Shame is HEAVY and severely torments people! It takes a lot of work to hide and cover up what’s really going on. Shame takes a huge toll on the mind, body, soul, and spirit. Anyone dealing with shame is typically experiencing anxiety, grief, unforgiveness, and deep self-hatred. All of this combined damages the psyche and our bodies take a beating. The unhealthy emotions and trauma begin to get stored within. After a time, it can physically manifest pain in the body.

Medically speaking, shame causes the brain to signal the adrenal glands to release elevated levels of cortisol. The heart rate elevates because adrenal glands release cortisol, which causes major arteries to constrict, thus elevating the heart rate, while the major muscles are flooded with glucose. Essentially, it’s similar to a cycle of electrical shock waves to your body.

Many people I work with don’t realize they are carrying shame. Once it’s exposed, the work begins, and JESUS heals! I also see many people begin to connect deeply to God once again and hear clearly from Him. Shame is a liar and it often distorts the true character of God. However, once lies are exposed, reconnection is made. God isn’t mad at you and He hasn’t withdrawn from you. He’s chasing you down daily!

Vulnerability is a gateway to healing, however, acceptance and love demolish shame. Vulnerability starts with self, God and then safe people.

Praying shame leaves and you find a safe space to heal! There’s nothing too BIG for HIM!


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Take Courage Ministries

Featured Image by horacio olavarria on Unsplash

The views and opinions expressed by Kingdom Winds Collective Members, authors, and contributors are their own and do not represent the views of Kingdom Winds LLC.

About the Author

Diane Anil is the founder of the global ministry Take Courage, where she primarily serves her community through a thriving online platform. Diane is also the founder of Take Courage Consulting and Coaching, where she serves her clients as a prophetic coach for their business, personal and spiritual needs. She is an ordained minister, holds certificate completion within two ministry schools, obtained a bachelor's degree in Communications and Human Resource Development from Oakland University, along with a certification in Counseling through Concordia University. Diane is the host of "An Invitation into The Father's Heart," a prophetic YouTube Channel where she invites others to experience a deeper connection with God. Diane is a pioneer, modern-day prophet, speaker, and writer. She has a passion for global missions, a heart for the nations, and has ministered in various capacities throughout Africa and India over the years. Her heart is to encourage the body of Christ to dive into greater intimacy with God by prophetically sharing the heart of God and the revelation she receives. Diane currently resides in Michigan with her husband, son, daughter, and baby on the way!

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