4 Ways to Embrace Your Pain

Learning how to live with pain.

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Learning to embrace the pain has been a process. I want to share how I’ve transitioned from anger and disappointment to learning to live in joy and contentment. 


#1 – Pain Killers

Accepting pain medicine as part of my life was my first step. The doctors have done all they can do. Even though I got much relief and healing from the surgeries, I still live with chronic pain. Check with your doctor to see what is right for you.  

#2 – Pity Party

Pity parties serve a good purpose if we don’t stay there. Letting ourselves feel the grief of what we lost and grieving the abilities we no longer have helps us embrace our pain. I indulge in my favorite candy bar and diet soda at my party, then get up and do something productive. 

#3 –What Can You Do

Think about what you can do, not what you can’t. Take up a new hobby, enjoy an activity you love at a slower pace, explore at a park, try a new restaurant, or pick up an interest you once enjoyed.      

#4 – Peace from the Bible

God pointed out verses to help me embrace and see my pain from His perspective. Psalm 139:16 tells us God planned each of our days before we were born. He knew what would happen and promised to walk through them with us.  


You saw me before I was born. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. ~Psalm 139:16

The Lord is good and does what is right; He shows the proper path to those who go astray.” Psalm 25:8



This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Joyce Zook

Featured Image by Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash

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About the Author

Joyce Zook is an award-winning author, international speaker, and Board Certified Advanced Christian Life and Marriage Coach. She is a weekly video blogger and the author of 12 Keys for Marriage Success, Priorities for Life, and God and Your Closet. Joyce speaks, teaches, and coaches women to love their lives and their marriages while creating success and balance. In the last twenty years, her ministry has grown with the help of the internet, telephones, and video conferences to reach people across the United States and in foreign countries.

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