3 Questions to Ask When You Need the Lord to Provide

God takes what’s little and multiplies it a thousand times over.

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Recently, I had the unfortunate news that my computer was out of intelligence. It was a sad day, and I immediately felt overwhelmed. My computer has my new book, another manuscript I’m working on, and all the things on it. Sigh. The thought of purchasing a new computer and getting it set up completely overwhelmed me.

As I was in my state of panic, the Holy Spirit whispered, “Trust me. The Lord will provide.” Ah, such simple words, but so hard to live at times. Thankfully, a dear friend who understands computers helped me order a new one and transferred everything over. All of this was a great reminder: God will provide.

When God called Moses to confront Pharaoh, Moses felt panic. God asked a simple question in response, “What’s in your hand?’ (Exodus 4:2-9). After Moses responded that he had a walking stick in his hand, the LORD asked him to throw it down, at which point it became a snake. Then God asked Him to pick it up, and it turned back into a walking stick.

I don’t know about you, but that would not have reassured my quaking heart! I hate snakes with a passion! But for Moses, it reassured him that God would use his obedience to persuade Pharaoh to let his people go.

Similarly, when the disciples came to Jesus and said that He should send the people away so they could get something to eat, Jesus asked, “How many loaves do you have?” (Mark 6:38). You know the story. Jesus took the five loaves and two fish and multiplied it to feed over 5,000 people. This is the only miracle other than the resurrection that is recorded in all four gospels.

As I think about these two stories, their message is clear: “God will provide. Whatever you have is enough.”


3 Questions to Ask When You Need the Lord to Provide

What are you lacking? Maybe you don’t have the financial resources for upcoming bills. Maybe God has called you to a new assignment, and you don’t feel adequate. News Flash: None of us feel adequate to do what God calls us to do. That’s actually part of His plan. He wants to provide what we lack so that the glory goes to Him and not to us.

Maybe you lack the energy and wisdom to raise the special needs child God has given you. Or, you lack the wisdom to complete the next project at work. Consider what you are lacking, but then turn your heart to the Lord who lacks nothing.

What do you have? What’s in your hand? Moses had a walking stick, and it was enough. The disciples had five small loaves and two fish. It was enough. Whatever you have, friend, open your hands and surrender it to the Lord Almighty. He still multiplies what’s in our hands. He takes what seems little and makes it much. He Himself is our provider.

When my computer went down this week, I had to ask myself, “What do I have?” The answer was I had a dear friend who is computer savvy. I had money in the bank for this type of purchase. Though I felt panicked over how to set it all up, I could reassure myself that I would surrender the situation to the Lord and He Himself would provide. He used my friend to encourage my heart and transfer everything over. He used my limited resources in the bank to purchase what I needed. More importantly, He took my limited faith and strengthened me to believe He would provide!

Who is the Lord? Who is this God we say we trust? He is the Lord of the universe. The Mighty Creator (Psalm 104). He is our Shepherd and Guide (Psalm 23). He is our Provider and Promise Keeper (Philippians 4:13). He is as the song says our “Waymaker”. We need to remind ourselves who He is when we are tempted to worry.

Friend, the truth is whatever is in your hand is enough. God takes what’s little and multiplies it a thousand times over. He will provide. This week as reassurance for your soul listen to “The Lord Will Provide” by Passion & Landon Wolfe. As we worship the Lord as our provider our hearts are strengthened to trust His provision. 

Purchase Becky’s latest book Cultivating Deeper Connections in A Lonely World here.

This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Becky Harling
Featured Image by dorotheepaulus from Pixabay

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About the Author

Becky Harling is an author, speaker, mentor, and lover of Jesus Christ. She inspires and gives women the tools to awaken hope so that they become more resilient in the face of life’s hurts, confident in the face of life’s challenges, and joyful in any life circumstance.

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