
Each day we are given is another beautiful occasion as to which we can experience and understand the grace of God.

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Steadfast. This word in scripture has been an anchor in my heart this month as storms have come in a variety of ways, and waves have felt like they were crashing over my head. From school starting up, to the pain levels that my body endures, it has been challenging to say the least. The one consistent word that rung round and round is “STEADFAST”. This word is beautiful and filling, especially when the boat feels like it is in uncharted waters and about to sink! Oh, this verse…

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” – Lamentations 3:22 ESV

If we break this down and take a look at what “steadfast” is, the mere word rings true of a firm purpose, a steady direction, unwavering, to be firmly established and fixed firmly in position— it is resolute. So, if you think about this according to God’s love it turns into this; God’s love is purposeful, steady, unwavering, firmly established in position, and resolute! Not only this, as if this is not beautiful enough, but his mercies are also steadfast, AND to bring further nourishment, they are NEW every morning!!

We can trust God. Let me say it again, we can TRUST God.

We can lean into the fact that each day we are given is another beautiful occasion as to which we can experience and understand the grace of God. His very description of character remains secure and unpolluted in a very unsettled world, or dare I say, a disconcerted heart.

The thing is, are we willing to bring this realization home to our hearts and truly see God for who He is? A STEADFAST and TRUSTWORTHY King. Are we caught up so much with our “stuff” that we put this magnificent love on the back burner and choose to dive into what the world’s view of trust is? i.e. broken, shattered, and non-existent. Trust has not been my friend for the wares of the world, so the very word has been turned inside out and upside down in my life, yet as I dive into the word of God, I now can understand much more fully what trust was always meant to be. God is the embodiment of trust, not only that, the fullness of a steadfast, never-ceasing trust which is His great love and sacrifice for us.

So remember, even if trust has been a rare commodity of this world, to which many have been affected…In GOD we can be enveloped in the treasure of trust. Do not push it away any longer, but instead, let God’s love swathe you so much that trust is an accumulation of currency in your very soul and His steadfast love and mercies can be clearly seen as they renew every single morning of your life.

“The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.” The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. – Lamentations 3:24-25 ESV

The Lord is good! He is good to the core of His very being and character. Let us take time this month to be in His presence and wrapped in the joy that is only found in praising Him. Let us put our agendas at the door and walk into His presence with a heart posture of praise and a clock that doesn’t run. Let us seek Him now and understand more of who He is. Let yourself wait in stillness before Him, with prayer and expectation, for then you will see more clearly His unconditional, and unwavering heart of love meant just for you.


This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Bloom and Reed

Featured Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay


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About the Author

Rose Ward is the founder of Ministry Moms, Mother Bears of Canada, and Bloom & Reed —an online platform that develops and creates content and educational resources for Christian Women in Ministry (Writers, Speakers + Creatives), Youth, and Children.

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