Fear not for I am with you— God told us these seven beautiful words written throughout the Bible, letting us know to trust in Him. Let’s let these words resonate in our souls, especially right now, with all the unrest, violence, and destruction going on in this earthly plane of existence. Our Heavenly Father wants us to know He is with us no matter the situation in this fallen world.
If we understand who Jesus is, we do not have to know exactly what He is going to do, or when— we can trust that He will tell us what we need to know and when to take action, and we do not have to fear. The Holy Spirit will equip us for the lives we are to live. It is time to look vertically, instead of horizontally; to have an eternal mindset and not an earthly one. Through pain and loss, fear can hit us and roar like a lion in our ears, but we cannot let lions devour us!
Like Daniel, we have to let God shut the mouths of the Lions. Daniel had to see through fear – see through the flesh and not let it cut him. Fear is not from God, but it is one of the enemy’s favorite tools, and he wants to stop, injure, and harm us. Even if we get cut by the enemy, God can heal the wounds inflicted, if we let Him.
It is through the fruit of the spirit and looking through the eyes of Jesus that we can move forward in times such as these. Jesus showed us more than anyone how to walk, talk and live! If we want true peace and unity in our world we must not only listen to each other but love each other— fiercely.
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah,41:10, ESV
God did not give us a spirit of fear – He can, however, gives us a sound mind. A sensible and sturdy soul. That is from God! He will give us His wisdom and strength freely if we ask Him. If there is a spirit of fear placed upon any area of your life – there is something that Satan does not want you to do, walk in, or let come to fruition. Let God bring you to a new place – Let Him hold your hand. Let Him bring you to where you need to be, and become who you are supposed to be. Fear holds back. Fear doesn’t speak to that person who may need to hear encouragement from you today. Fear wants to quench the Holy Spirit. Fear does not allow for joy, and it does not release you into the gifts God has blessed you with; it binds you from using those gifts– But there is good news.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear…” I John 4:18 ESV
If we can break free of the wrong kind of fear – we can be free to become who we are supposed to be and boldly walk in the gifts given. We can confidently seek His face and unashamedly call upon His name daily. When something happens in this fallen world – death, disease, hardship – these things all entered through sin- we must not blame God for our human failings! We must take responsibility for our own actions, and trust the hand of God in our lives.
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3, ESV
This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Bloom and Reed
Featured Image by Elliott Engelmann on Unsplash
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