No More Ordinary

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: A Time to Share (Meanwhile 13)

Learn what you can do to share where your peace and joy comes from, to fear God more than seek revenge, and how you treat others matters. Takeaway: God is working out all things for your good.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: God Speaks Giving Life to the World (Meanwhile 12)

The blessing that was on the life of Joseph can be on your life, too. Listen to how Joseph received a new name from Pharaoh.n.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Where Do You Spend Your Time? (Meanwhile 11)

What has your attention more? Do you spend more time listening to the culture or the throne room of God?

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Refined (Meanwhile 10)

Learn how spending time in the meanwhile seasons of your life will refine you, and when you seek God, He will give you peaceful answers.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Surrender (Meanwhile 9)

Listen to discover the strength hidden in the word surrender as you continue this study on Joseph. Hear how Joseph came to a moment of deep surrender while in prison.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Guard Your Heart (Meanwhile 8)

When going through a difficult situation, it is hard to guard your heart. Listen as we continue to learn from the story of Joseph from Gen. 39 on how important it is to keep a servant's heart and to live above your circumstances.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Have a Good Heart Attitude (Meanwhile 7)

Choose to tap into God and have a good heart attitude, no matter the circumstances.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Divinely Set Up Through Circumstances (Meanwhile 6)

You are loved, and your meanwhile season is about to turn into a miracle. God has seen what is ahead and what you need through grace.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Garment of Praise (Meanwhile 5)

In this lesson, learn how to overcome jealousy, to be a leader with the backbone to stand up for the mistreated, and not to let anyone rob you of your garment of praise. You will take away how you treat people matters.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Put on the Father's Love. Speak His Goodness. (Meanwhile 3)

Imagine who you could be in the story of Joseph taken from Genesis. Do you see yourself as Joseph? 

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: God Meant It for Good (Meanwhile 2)

God is doing artistic work in your life. Listen to how you can take what is thrown at you, and God will turn it for your greater good.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Waiting On God to Intervene (Meanwhile 1)

Joseph of the Old Testament was in a "meanwhile" stage of life while waiting on God to intervene in his circumstances. You may be in a meanwhile stage now.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Meanwhile Into Miracle (Meanwhile 8)

We have all experienced a “meanwhile” in life when God is strategically laboring behind the scenes to work all things together for our good and for His glory.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: A Prophetic Dream Fulfilled (Meanwhile 7)

We have all experienced a “meanwhile” in life when God is strategically laboring behind the scenes to work all things together for our good and for His glory.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: From Pit and Prison to Palace (Meanwhile 6)

We have all experienced a “meanwhile” in life when God is strategically laboring behind the scenes to work all things together for our good and for His glory.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: The Interpretation of Dreams (Meanwhile 5)

We have all experienced a “meanwhile” in life when God is strategically laboring behind the scenes to work all things together for our good and for His glory.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: The Joseph Principle (Meanwhile 4)

We have all experienced a “meanwhile” in life when God is strategically laboring behind the scenes to work all things together for our good and for His glory.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Prevenient Grace (Meanwhile 3)

We have all experienced a “meanwhile” in life when God is strategically laboring behind the scenes to work all things together for our good and for His glory.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Brothers Plot Against Brother (Meanwhile 2)

We have all experienced a “meanwhile” in life when God is strategically laboring behind the scenes to work all things together for our good and for His glory.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Joseph’s Story Begins (and Ends) - Meanwhile 1

Joseph of the Old Testament was in a "meanwhile" stage of life while waiting on God to intervene in his circumstances. You may be in a meanwhile stage now. Join us for our new Bible study to be encouraged that God is working behind the scenes to turn your circumstances around.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Listening in Your Prison - Defiant Joy (Day 35)

People are listening to you and how you respond to your circumstances. What example are you setting? Are you glorifying God? Find out how your response can impact the people around you.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Be Joyful in Suffering - Defiant Joy (Day 34)

Keep on rejoicing no matter your sufferings. Be encouraged after hearing the story of a brave young woman who found joy even when imprisoned.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: Sow in Tears, Reap in Joyful Shouting - Defiant Joy (Day 33)

Have you been crying in your secret place or continue to receive disappointment? Start shouting with joy today and listen on how you can experience heroic change.

JOLT OF JOY PODCAST: When Life Beats You Up - Defiant Joy (Day 32)

Have you lost your security and feel worthless? Come out of your deep, dark places and know you do still exist and are worth God's love in this study of Acts 16:22-25.