Not Just Another Christian Athlete: Derek Carr of the Oakland Raiders

Most NFL players know that the end of their careers is only one injury away. Carr knows this, but he also knows that God has plans for his life beyond football. He doesn’t have to live for the game because he is, first and foremost, a follower of Christ. And this gives him a foundation that most athletes don’t have.

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In 2017, Derek Carr signed a five-year $125 million contract with the Oakland Raiders. At the time, it made him the highest-paid player in the history of the NFL. Carr is widely considered one of the best quarterbacks playing professional football and for good reason. He was shortlisted for the Heisman Trophy as a college player at Fresno State, threw three touchdowns in the first two quarters of his NFL career-opening game, and then led the Raiders to their first winning season in thirteen years. Carr is in the zone.

Despite all of his athletic acclaim and statistics, if you look at Carr’s personal website, the first thing you’ll read is: “Faith. Family. Football.” The NFL star says on his webpage that God has gifted him with talents in order to further His kingdom. He states, “Being a quarterback is what I do but it does not define who I am. I am first and foremost a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

There are plenty of professional athletes who talk about being Christians, and we often hear players after the game saying things like, “All glory to God.” Carr, however, does more than read from the script. He’s a passionate supporter of Valley Children’s Hospital in California where his son had to stay for several weeks of surgery just after being born. He is also actively involved in Fellowship for Christian Athletes, an organization that unites athletics and faith. His faith goes further than philanthropy and ministries, though. Carr is known for his simple acts of service, like when he helped a man who had run out of gas on the highway. The stranded motorist didn’t even realize it was the Raiders quarterback who was driving him to the gas station until they had arrived back at his car.

Carr’s walk with Christ hasn’t always been perfect or easy. He met his now-wife Heather while they were in university at Fresno State, but she noticed how he had fallen away from his childhood faith. The college football environment had turned the quarterback’s heart away from God and, instead, toward his career and the rowdy lifestyle of a star athlete. Heather encouraged him to turn back to the Lord, which Carr did, even confessing to his teammates that he hadn’t been living a life that represented Christ. That openness with his fellow athletes led Carr to start sharing his testimony on camera and at churches. He’s even been invited on several occasions to preach.

Most NFL players know that the end of their careers is only one injury away. A concussion, blown-out ACL, or broken ankle is all it takes to go from playing for millions of people on television to being out of a job. Carr knows this, but he also knows that God has plans for his life beyond football. He doesn’t have to live for the game because he is, first and foremost, a follower of Christ. And this gives him a foundation that most athletes don’t have.

Carr posted a picture on Twitter of his open Bible with Deuteronomy 28:1-2 highlighted: “If you fully obey the Lord your God by keeping all the commands I am giving you today, the Lord your God will exalt you above all the nations of the world. You will experience all these blessings if you obey the Lord your God.” He had a bad injury that took him out of last year’s playoffs, and then a back fracture sidelined him for the first two weeks of the following season. In spite of the setback, he continued to hold fast to God’s goodness and promises, regardless of whether or not he could return to play. Carr did end up going back on the field with the Raiders for the 2017 season. And to put a cherry on top, or should I say, to add a 2-point conversion to the score, he went to his third Pro Bowl, throwing the winning touchdown.

Carr is already planning for life after football. He hopes to become a pastor and continue preaching when he retires from the NFL.

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About the Author

Forrest is a graduate student in Boston, MA, where he studies Philosophy. He's a lifelong reader of everything from ancient history to modern poetry. He thinks music is one of the most important things in life and he loves trying to cook with his family. Forrest is obsessed with ideas and loves how interesting people are.

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