It was on a morning walk in the Fall of 2011 that I was having a heart-to-heart with my Lord. I thought I set out for an ordinary walk, but it turned into the most phenomenal day of my life. I was expressing my concern over lost souls and my longing for people to know Jesus as their Savior and King. I was praying for confidence to be more outspoken about my faith so that I might be used in some way to further God’s Kingdom and bring glory to His name. This desire was further ignited in me as I was listening to lyrics from Among Thorns that truly came alive. I was in agreement with every word as my spirit was calling out like no other time in the past. I wanted to be on fire for God like others I knew, and I welcomed the Holy Spirit to be my Guide. Within minutes and much to my surprise, I received an audible response to a prayer I had just prayed. My desire to be used for His glory and His Will became one—His presence surrounded me!
The God of Creation spoke my name, acknowledged that He heard me, and promised that blessings would come. He told me that saving souls is what it’s all about—words that He put into action the day He sacrificed His life. I was told not to worry and assured that I would find my own way to speak about Him. And as if that wasn’t enough (He had me at “Debbie!”) I was told that I would do something that no one else has done and that I’d have some kind of platform that would have an impact on many souls.
I had never heard the undeniable voice of God, or felt His presence so strongly before that day. The weight of His presence was more than I could contain. My heart was beating with such an overwhelming force inside my chest while I was gasping for air trying to catch my next breath. These moments, though intense, merged with an unsurpassing peace, in a realm where time stood still and where everything seemed silent so God could speak. So much took place in so little time. The download that I was given changed the course of my life.
I’m still beyond honored that God wanted me to know what was on His heart that day and that He chose to make Himself known to me in such an intimate way. I won’t be completely sure until the day we meet, but I believe l felt God’s heartbeat. Maybe He wanted me to know how real He is so that I could convey this to others? Maybe He wanted me to feel the rhythm and the depth of His love? I don’t know the answers to many things, but I do know this: God believes in me, and in obedience, I’m putting aside my insecurities and vulnerability and stepping out of my comfort zone with a giant leap of faith because I found my way just like I was told I would!
The mystery was solved a year and a half later when one of my sons told me that my poetry was a gift from God, a gift that He would want me to share. Revelation set in, and the words that were spoken over me immediately returned. The camouflage was removed, and I could clearly see what was in front of me all along. I finally realized that what had been flowing from my heart was an echo of His, and that prophecy was being fulfilled each time I wrote anything that glorified Him. I was blessed with what I was longing for, but God gave me exceedingly far more than what I could have ever asked or dreamed. He is that good! He gives the best gifts! And surprises!
I’d like to encourage everyone to step into a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Lord, to have those heart-to-heart moments with just you and Him. He truly wants to hear about your hopes and dreams, your disappointments, concerns, failures, and fears. He has ingeniously designed us to communicate with Him through our thoughts, our hearts, and the words we speak. He’s always available, and He’s everywhere that we happen to place our feet. If I hadn’t been sharing my heart with Him and given Him something to respond to, none of what happened to me would have ever taken place; I would have missed out on the greatest experience of my life.
I didn’t realize that I had anything to offer, and I didn’t on my own. However, with God, all things are possible. I bless you with a desire to seek God above all else and for your desires and His will to become one.
Always Waiting for Me
I don’t need a telephone, Skype, or GPS
I don’t need to prepare for a long-dreaded trip
I don’t have to brush my teeth or even fix my hair
I don’t need the perfect outfit or have to climb the stairs
I don’t have to go anywhere to find You, Lord
You’re always waiting for me—Anytime, night or day
You’re always waiting at Your throne of grace
I come into Your presence
Grateful, remorseful, and truly repentant
Not wanting to live the same as before
Not wanting to live without You, Dear Lord
Thank You for being only a thought or prayer away
and for hearing every word that I’ll ever say or pray
Could that be why You never slumber or sleep?
Is it because, You’re always waiting for me?
You can purchase Echoes of His Heart here!
Featured Image by Allen Taylor
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