It’s Already Better

Nobody wants to endure pain, but the pain is necessary to make us stronger. You have endured or may be enduring a lot, but you are still here!

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James 1:2 (NKJV) 

For those of you who are going through something right now, this is for you! For those of you who are not going through something, pull this word out of your back pocket when you are going through! It’s going to get better! No, it’s already better! 

Life will always be filled with trials and tribulations. The Word never mentioned that the road we travel would be easy. How do I know? Jesus is the perfect example that our road will not be easy. If Jesus wasn’t exempt from trials and tribulations, what makes you think you are exempt? We will face adversity. We will face temptation. We will endure some pain. We will cry some tears! We will face persecution from others (especially family and friends). We may experience moments in which it feels that life itself is trying to take us out. We may experience moments in which it feels that we may not see another day. We may see more cloudy days than sunny days. We may feel like giving up and walking away! 

But no matter what you are going through, it’s going to get better; it’s already better! You are probably saying. “How can you say that when you don’t know what I am going through?” You’re right. I may not know what you are going through, but I know Who will bring you through! 

If you stop and look back over your life, how many times did your situation look dark but get better? How many times when you were down for the count, man counted you out, and God raised you up? I can say it’s already better because it is! If you noticed, I didn’t say it is going to get better but that it is already better! See, our problem is we speak words that help kill our situation instead of speaking life into our situation, for death and life are in the power of the tongue (let that marinate). It’s already better! 

No matter the weapon attacking your family, your child, your husband, your wife, your marriage, your job, your finances, your health, your peace, your heart, your mind, your spirit, your faith, it will not prosper! The dark cloud hanging over you will not stay much longer. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. All things are working for your good!

Don’t be moved by your circumstances but stand strong knowing your labor is not in vain! Nobody wants to endure pain, but the pain is necessary to make us stronger. You have endured or may be enduring a lot, but you are still here! You can’t stop now! You can’t stop now because we serve a God who brought us out of storms before. He will bring us out again. We serve a God who will never leave nor forsake us. With God, things will always get better!

So the next time you feel like walking away, remember it is already better! The next time you look at your bank account, remember it is already better! The next time you feel like giving up, remember it is already better! The next time you are shedding tears in the midnight hour, remember it is already better! The next time you look at your husband or wife, remember it is already better! The next time you look at your child or children, remember it is already better! The next time you get turned down for a promotion, remember it is already better! When you walk through the doors of your job, remember it is already better! 

Through the tears and pain, I am encouraging myself that it is already better and want to encourage you that it is already better for you, too. It’s already better!


Featured Image By Vicki Sim

This is an excerpt from Let it Marinate. Purchase your copy in the Marketplace!

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About the Author

Reverend Antonwaun K. M. Johnson is an ordained associate minister at Macedonia Church of Augusta located in Augusta, Georgia and is under the spiritual leadership of Bishop Gregory M. Fuller who he is also very proud to call his spiritual father. Reverend Johnson has a compassion for God’s people and embraces his ministry of liberation and edification. He is the proud father of his son Caiden Christopher and thanks God every day for blessing him with a perfect gift!

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