In a Fog

The foggy places are those places where steps of faith are necessary for our survival.

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It’s foggy out there, isn’t it? I mean with opinions and ideas and so many questions without answers?
It’s like murky water, a little frightening, a little unnerving and we wonder what’s lurking in the unseen and the unknown.

So when we can’t see past the fog and the smog in this crazy life, what do we do? Fog’s no fun and It’s not a bad idea to sit and wait for it to lift before choosing our options, but it might take a while. The foggy places are those places where steps of faith are necessary for our survival. They might be small at first; little baby steps until we get our grounding, but the pierced hand of our Saviour reaches through the fog, ready to catch, carry and guide us through the density of perilous times.

When the fog is heavy and the confusion chaotic and overwhelming, rest quietly, take His hand and let Him lead. You might need to sit quietly for a time in order to hear His word to you, but listen to the still small voice in your ‘soul’ ~ that deep inner voice, not your heart, and not your head as those voices could lead us off track! Today, for this time and this season, listen with soul ears! That conscience deep within that God uses to direct us into the proper path! To lead us in the right way into divine wisdom. To keep us from evil, from temptation! From going the wrong direction! From there faith will become stronger as we press closer to God in the journey. So yeah, beautiful one, Don’t move out into the fog until you hear with soul ears!

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Isaiah 30: 21

“He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.”
Psalm 25:9

“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.”
Isaiah 42:16




This is an updated edition of a post originally published on Charis Kay Publishing

Featured Image by Epic Images from Pixabay



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About the Author

A Kingdom creative. The Pastor's wife and mom of four all grown kids, loving Jesus and so thankful for His grace that holds me together daily when things go right and when they don't. Kay is an award-winning, inspirational writer and photographer with a passion for writing, powered by a strong desire to encourage others in the struggles of life and see them come to saving knowledge of the Saviour of unconditional Love! A Saviour who brings hope, lavishes grace and forgives freely. Life is hard and hope is so necessary! A nature lover always in anticipation for the next best shot of the day! It's a joy and a delight to blend real-life photography with short writings of encouragement and scripture to bring the reader in closer to the Saviour by lifting the heart and soul into His presence.

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