Collective Member Highlight: Hannah Boyd

Even if it’s just one person—just one person the Lord uses Hannah to go after—“It’s a victory,” Hannah concludes. “And I will praise God!”

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“When we are young, it’s easy for us to have childlike faith,” Collective Member Hannah Boyd remembers. “But as we get older and the more harsh life becomes, it’s easy to fall away and listen to the enemy’s lies.”

Hannah met Jesus at an early age and quickly fell in love. Due to the nature of her home life, she knew Him as a present and sovereign Lord. But she also knew the enemy’s lies. She saw how he made the light feel unreachable, how he made hope feel so laborsome.

But Hannah came to understand that Jesus rescues, and she saw how important it was to share this message with others. “He saved me,” Hannah writes boldly. “And I want everyone to know His redeeming power and love.”

This may be one of the reasons why her writing metaphors are so impactful and relatable. Hannah says that she’s always thinking of parallels and how to connect the dots between her life and Scripture. She draws from personal experience, her journals, and events that happened to her loved ones or herself.

“The key to bringing people to Christ is to lay down the hate, judgment, and all ill will to show that Christ has redeemed us regardless of what we have done in life,” Hannah shares with the Kingdom Winds Crew. “It’s my prayer that readers feel the truth of God’s word, His love, and compassion through my devotions and other writings.”

Uniquely, there’s an aspect to mental and emotional healing that Hannah has found powerfully important to spiritual health. “My passion for the Kingdom is to help cultivate Christ-like mindsets, emotions, and actions,” she says. “In addition to repairing their minds and spiritual needs, I find joy in helping equip people to live their best life for Christ.”

Even if it’s just one person—just one person the Lord uses Hannah to go after—“It’s a victory,” Hannah concludes. “And I will praise God!”

For more information on Hannah or to read her posts published on Kingdom Winds, head on over to her member homepage here.



Featured Image by Tim Marshall
Design by Dawn King

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About the Author

Creative works by Kingdom Winds staff members not captured under an individual name. You can also find additional content created by Kingdom Winds crew members under the Kingdom Winds Member Profile or their individual names.

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